May 12, 2009 23:21
So hello to my minute number of friends, I apologize for the prolonged silence. No, I did not become a Buddhist monk, nor do I have a brain tumor (or whatever that crazy rumor was(the Buddhist one I just made up)). The fact of the matter is I forgot livejournal was a website, and secondly I forgot I had one. It has been fun catching up on my friends life via the "LJ" as they call it in the biz. Turns out Damiana is engaged, Everett is in a band, and Steve juggles and plays the trombone!(the secret is I knew all those things already) FANTASTIC!
As for me, I am schooling, crafting, and catting. I have a fantastic cat named Apollo. He is great and I would marry him if I could (Thanks a lot, REPUBLICANS!). He is on my lap right now and aside from the occasional 4am bathtub clawing session, he is the best cat. I have also had a kick-ass girlfriend for the past year, Katherine. She is pretty much the best, and I would marry her if I could (Thanks a lot, DEMOCRATS). We are looking for a place right now so we can move in together. I imagine it will be much the same as our life together now, but with more mod-podge and floral prints involved.
Well, maybe I will check/update livejournal more often now. But in all likelihood, see you all in another year.