Because Ren asked how the drawing was going.
Someone pointed out there were some major anatomical problems which is absolutely true. I'd like to say I'm not really done with this, I expect I will pick it up and work on it some more. There are more such things I need to work on, ideas that need to get out. Sometimes I work and they get to the end of my ability, like my critique / joke about someone's mech design. Think of a giant battle robot with big wide tank treads instead of feet.
"Well, at least it won't tip over."
And that was the end. I don't really know how I could make that any better in a way that would make me enjoy it more-- the amount of detail reflects the joke. I could spend ten minutes on every tree, but what would that do besides make me hate trees?
The eraser girl, (or "Some People Cannot Abide the Warmth" if I can be so bold as to use titles for this crap) will better emote when I clean up the problems. It will better communicate the sentiment. I hope it will remain as ghostly-- as someone put it, "it's like the impression of someone that used to be there." Not quite where I was headed, but I'd like to preserve it.