May 16, 2011 20:56
Well, today we got the news at work that we were half expecting but still dreading. On July the first Northern Rock will close it's Sunderland based office thereby making all the staff who work there (including your humble correspondant) compusilory redundant.
There are oppurtunites to apply for roles at head office in Gosforth, but unsurprisingly there will be a lot more bodies and jobs. In my job title there are five new jobs, and fifteen of us who will be after them.
Still, this good all work out for the best. Fingers crossed I get to trouser the cash from my pay off and get a job somewhere else, somewhere not in this rot-infested, dying, festering banking sector. Even if another job is forthcoming right away, the pay off will keep us going for a while.
Anyway, if anyone happens to know of work going in the North East bear me in mind. I'm not fussy, and will happily mow lawns or paint railings if they pay in Money.