Nov 10, 2010 22:00
Following on from my Zombie based musings the other day, I've just watched the first episode of a new series on FX called The Walking Dead, which spins a delightful yarn about the Zombie Apocalypse (or Zombocalypse, if you prefer). It's a comic book adaptation, and while I hadn't heard of it before the writer, Robert Kirkman, did one of my favourite Marvel runs of the last 10 years (The Irredeemable Ant-Man) so I was hoping for good things.
The first episode was chock full of zombocalypse cliches, but was certainly no worse for it. Fun, scary, atmospheric with big production values and cool affects. One great scene in particular stuck with me and provided the title for this post, but I won't spoil it. I'd rather just recommend you catch one of the many repeats on FX or find it on Special Advance Preview or similar.