workin.... selling volkswagens

Apr 22, 2005 17:35

Damn, someones rockstar pussy filled me in on the latest. And now i am typing my personal thoughts into a Dell machine.... Thanks to that rockstar i can now share my personal information and daily reports to anyone and everyone. weird.

So how long did it take you guys to fill in all things that you liked alot for your "profile"? we all have pretty substantial lists. it took me about 7 minutes and i like a lot of things.

"thanks for calling Gebhardt Automotive, whats up mother fucker?"- erin at work

heres somethine extremely newsworthy, i slept for more than twelve hours last night.
i awoke feeling groggy but i used my brain to turn that feeling into extreme refreshment because i should be refreshed god damn it. I haven't been in bed at 7:30 since i was a wee one.

i think its so awesome that someone just read this and entered some more bull shit into their own mids. just because its written words. i'll try and write something really substantial next time.

signing out

ps. i would like to personally thank a rockstars pussy for doing this to me. you might suck a little for it. but hey, i just laughed like 11 times, a few of those partially out loud, just for writing this.
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