Nov 10, 2009 23:37
A few times in the years of our friendship, Kathleen and I played this game, usually initiated by her hopping into me during an unstructured moment in marching band practice. We would then go on to hopping to a fairly steady rhythm with her trying predict my next movement and hop on my feet, while I try to not to get hopped on (while attempting to stay in a somewhat restrictive area). She started it yesterday, and we played a few times. I cheated the first time last night, I think it that meant win for her--not that we ever hashed out the rules to this game. She actually got me on the second time, and we both burst out with "ohhh!" For me it was like, "oh, dang, you got me," while for her it was more like, "oh look, I got you!" Then Chris and someone else mocked us by echoing with their own "ohhh!", with a "wtf?" sort of tone then laughing. I felt like smacking him. I really enjoy that game though, as simple and nameless as it is.