Jan 29, 2008 09:58
So it's been snowing in Corvallis for a little under a week now. The pattern is that we'd get a couple inches overnight or in the morning, it'd stick, and then melt sometime between 9am and noon. Rinse, recycle, repeat. If it precipitates after noon, it's rain.
Now that I'm taking ecology, I know what's going on, and I decided that snow in the valley isn't fun. Ecology says that a valley tends to get warm during the day as the heat is trapped in the dip. At night, the heat rises so it's a little colder than it otherwise would be. Hence, snow at night, melted by late morning.
This means I'm walking around campus in rain and slush. Snow--even when it makes the roads iced over--is more pleasurable to walk around in than slush and rain. While I do appreciate the beauty of a thick blanket of snow, it's difficult to appreciate here knowing that it won't stick around for more than a day and during into one big slushy mess.
So I woke up, saw the beautiful whiteness outside, and said, "meh."