Nov 11, 2007 01:12
Left the apartment at 8am, got back (for the day--night) at 1am. Had a <1 hr lunch break/changing period before rehearsal and a 5 minute milk and cookie break before running my last errand at 1am (it ended up being less than 10 minutes though). This on 5 hours of sleep, and I'm looking at the same amount of sleep for tonight. Beat that, Jimmy? *wink*
So the Albany Vet's Day parade, I found, is the longest Vet's Day parade west of the Mississippi. After marching in it, I believe that. The route itself isn't that long, it's the number of floats and bands and crap in it. Our band started off the Armed Forces portion of the parade and we were #170 or something. We were supposed to step off at 10:30. The 10:30 step off was really at noon. The parade itself wasn't tiring. But the standing around for 90 minutes was tiring.
So yeah. Lunch at Red Robin with the band sounded fun, but I had rehearsal to get to. So I drove home (a slow drive down Highway 20...averaging 5 under) and got there about 1:45. Made and ate lunch and got changed, left the apartment at 2:30. Got to rehearsal at 3pm, or half an hour late. However, I got Doc's number from Kate around 11:30 so he knew what my problem was.
So...rehearsal wasn't exciting. We got to watch the Husky band's pregame, but they made us leave for Beaver Walk before the halftime show rehearsal started. I was really unhappy with that.
Skip to Battle of the Bands. I always feel lame when we whip out the Hey Song and Land of a Thousand Dances, especially for Battle of the Band. Seriously, so high school. "The Hey Song! Yeah, that'll show em!" Then at the end, we were finishing with our fight songs. There was a break in the Husky piece so Doc counted off our fight song and we ended up playing against them. I found that really annoying, so I didn't play through it that time. Kathleen bugged me about it. So as we walked to the field for pregame, I talked to her about the thoughts that have been plaguing me this season, especially this past month.
In a nutshell, I don't have much pride in being an OSUMB member. Yes, I enjoy myself at times, and that's what keeps me here. But it really bugs me that I walk out of a game feeling disappointed with the group's performance...I'm really tired of feeling that. Right, OSU's music program isn't the greatest, but I feel we can be so much better than we are. So I mean, Doc says a big thing about this band is that we have fun. But really, I watch bands like UO and UW, and they seem so much better (in their own style) and they look like they're having fun. *sigh* I suppose I get to deal with this inner conflict for one more year.
Speaking of fun, they put us on the field 20 minutes early. Eventually, a game of beaver-beaver-husky started up in the clarinet section, which went until someone wanted a section picture.
In the game itself...
It was the best of games, it was the worst of games...
A lot happened in this game that made it really unique for me. We had quite a few fights break out on the field between players (something I haven't seen yet). A beaver player and a Husky player were ejected, then another beaver player later on. The Husky quarterback was badly injured...looked like a neck injury but can't be certain. An ambulance came out on the field to pick him up. And then what we thought was a touchdown in the fourth quarter was instead ruled a fumble that Washington got the ball on and ran it back 30 yards. I think another reason that it pissed the crowd off was that it didn't even go under review. The atmosphere in the stadium was extremely intense at that point. That was the longest and loudest period of booing I've ever experienced.
The rain gear seemed stupid in this morning and afternoon's sunny weather, but it was incrediby nice for the evening. Kathleen passed out handwarmers, so on the walk back to the car, my legs were cold but my hands were toasty. It was heaven in my pockets.
I was teaching Kathleen a hand clappy game to pass time in the stands. That was fun, as well as doing extremely high horn swings with Tyler.
The late night errand was to scout out a Mormon church (though I still have no idea when it starts). I have a paper due in PH 160 that requires me to go to a service of a religion that's not my own, and that isn't Christian. That left services on Friday nights that are problematic because of marching band. Here, this class, marching band, and/or being a girl (Hinduism) as inconvenienced me. I dunno if Mormon qualifies as nonChristian but I don't have much of another option at this point.
I'm really tired from today though. How badly how I want to sleep in and lounge around in comfy clothes all day. great great need of sleep.