rainy marching band

Nov 07, 2006 07:26

So it was raining heavily for all but the last half hour of marching band practice last night (then it picked up again for my ride home). Yesterday was actually a really warm day, reaching about 67 degrees despite the rain. I loved marching band practice in it. It would have been perfect had I not been worrying about a pad reaching max moisture capacity. And also, while I'm okay with being wet, I don't like the part when I start drying off (with the wet clothes still on), as in when the rain stopped. Just don't like the feeling. I'm glad I didn't dress that heavily (well, it was too warm for my winter coat anyway)...my clothes were soaked through, and that seemed to be the case for many people.

We were learning our closing show for the Civil War game. I felt somewhat odd because I was helping Sara find her spots...I guess she forgot her notebook and well, the naked drill papers died quickly in the rain. And this show seems more annoying than Mars. Eh, it'll depend what we're doing during a certain part in the piece.

band, sara

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