Apr 20, 2006 16:53
This dream takes place at Mann, starting in Mrs. Singleton's room. The desks are arranged in a huge ring around the classroom, and I was standing in front of a desk talking to Ms. Brown, who was leaning against the window. She wanted me to take a quiz, a fun quiz that was kind of a tradition in her classes. I told her that I had already taken it. She asked, "are you sure it's the same as when you last took it?" I then recalled that the one and only time I took that quiz was in her class. I finally asked her in return, "what year is it?" "1999," she tells me. I took a moment to let that sink in. Then I slowly told her, "I have already graduated from high school. I am a freshman at Oregon State University--actually, a first-year sophomore." "Really?" she responded. She looked somewhat amazed.
She passed out for some reason that may or may not be related to that several moments later. I struggled to get her to lay down on the floor. I found that Billy Spurr was helping me. She woke up once on the floor, but she was babbling incoherently in a rather silly voice, so we convinced her to go back to sleep. And amazingly, her class (of about 15) calmly remained in their seats talking quietly amongst themselves as if nothing unusual was happening.
After Ms. Brown was peacefully sleeping away, I walked with Billy into the hall. I guess it was passing period. There, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. I sat there thinking that the scene was wrong, yet right at the same time and I couldn't figure out why. As we stepped back to walk on, I realized that I was actually dating Jimmy in my correct time period (as in today, right now), but apparently, I was dating Billy during the one I was thrown in.
Something about someone trying to hurt the passed out Ms. Brown came up. Billy was a superhero, and I was watching him fight some female villain atop a very high raised beam over some random river with streams of water flying back and forth. His side-kick was Rini from Sailor Moon...
After that was something about the classroom suddenly being dorm rooms...I moved into one near where the main office should've been and we were moving (dorm) furniture from Mr. Grabbler's room...I woke up when I realized that we moved 3 beds into the room instead of two.
So, reality check:
*Ms. Brown was indeed my teacher in 1999; 6th ('98-99) and 7th grade ('99-'00) ASP (Advanced Student Program) math and science. I actually liked her as a teacher
*I don't know if I actually took that quiz in real-life...I don't remember what the quiz was about
*Ms. Brown used to teach in Mr. Grabbler's room one year, not Singleton's.
*I didn't date Billy Spurr in 6th or 7th grade...if I ever dated Billy Spurr, it would be 1st or 2nd grade. Actually, I didn't date in 6th or 7th grade.
*I'm not aware of any super hero identity of Billy Spurr, or any type of real-life association between him and Chibi Moon
*Yeah, don't ask where this dream came from...I don't know.