(no subject)

Dec 16, 2005 13:15

Hi. :)
I got bored today, so I'm finally deciding to upload and post all the pictures I took around my neighborhood/Charlottesville a month or two ago.
This post is public so that my DC friends can see the pictures.
There are around 45 pictures in this post, so dial-up users might want to go grab a cookie while they wait for it to load.


My backyard. Sorry, I didn't take a picture of the front of the house. I'm stupid like that. xD I'll do it later.

The backs of the houses in my row. My house is in there, somewhere.

Our satellite dish.

I have a fence. :)

I also have a mailbox. :)

...I think I took this from behind Ashley's house. Anyway, look at the freaking MOUNTAINS.

More mountains.

More mountains.

A road.

A stop sign, with more mountains behind it.

...You can't really see it, but behind thoase trees is the tiny little park in front of our house.

More road-ness.

Okay. Wayland's Grant is this neighbgorhood that's kind of attached to Grayrock. It's where Jake and some other cool people live, and it's where we played flashlight tag in the summer.

Where we played flashlight tag. Look at all the funky-colored houses. :)

The gazebo, and more funky-colored houses.

A purple house.

And a blue house. It's the house across the street from Jake's.

All the following pictures (exept the Downtown Mall ones) were taken from inside my dad's car.

A pathetic shopping center with a pathetic pizza place and a pathetic grocery store.

Dairy Queen. This is the middle of Crozet. x.x

This is the nearest town. It's 30 minutes from my house.

A building that's part of UVA. UVA is pretty.

A pretty road near UVA. Beneath it is the train station.

If you've ever been to any of these places, or if you've been to Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's house), then you've been to Charlottesville. Yeah.



This is what you see when you're driving to Charlottesville...

And this...

And this.


The garage.

A big, pretty building.

A pretty sign.


The most vintage-looking CVS ever.

A nick-nack table.

Finished. :)


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