still grateful

Dec 02, 2012 21:20

I am grateful that with age comes wisdom. Even just 10 years ago I was fine with taking pills to be "healthy", after all that's why they're there. Now in my mid 40s I understand what health is for, what it's about. I am grateful for a Dr. that keeps up with information and science even when his colleagues disagree. I am grateful for Dr.s and Nutritionists that care enough to notice patterns in their clients that allows them to change their ideas to help others. I'm grateful for coming to terms (damn, life is unfair) with my genetics and realizing that I will never be like other people that can eat regular food and still be healthy. I have become my father's sister; since I was 5 I've been her (without the moo-moo), but always "hoped" for better. Now I realize I have to do better. I have to do the work and make myself better. I deserve better. I can be and I am better. Genetically I may be my Father's child, but I am in charge of my life.
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