Nov 07, 2009 14:44
Motherboard to main computer is on the Fritz again.
Woke up this morning: computer screen was off and no response from mouse.
Tried to reboot: no response.
Open side of case: on board LED is rolling through codes C0, 23, and 45.
Turned off computer.
Rebooted, post mentioned an error during reboot process, and to enter bios settings and reconfirm.
Enter bios and start checking settings.
Computer screen goes blank and on-board LED starts rolling through post codes C0, 23 and 45.
Turn off and then reboot computer.
No response, still rolling codes.
Power off and pull plug.
Thinking CMOS batter went bad, replace CMOS battery.
Reboot. Now rolling through codes 23 and 45.
Power off, pull plug. Clear CMOS jumper. Wait.
Reset jumper. Power on. Still rolling those two codes.
Power off. Pull plug.
Unplug DVD/CD and hard-drives. POwer on. Same two codes.
Have left to unplug video card and sound cards. Am anticipating no change.
Have already put a tech support request into my motherboard manufacture (FoxConn).
Will see what they have to say.
In case anyone is wondering computer was working fine as of six in the morning.
Pulled the sound and video cards. Now it goes through a couple new codes (26, 6F, 50, 52) and ends up on 7F which the manual says is a post error requiring user response. Probably telling me an issue with missing video (or drives); but need video card to see the on screen error. No spare video cards.
I hate this. I've been stressed out since waking up.
I was actually feeling pretty good yesterday after getting back from Tampa.
Not so great now.