Mar 01, 2008 20:08
Poll The shortest poll
Since Baco's moved in, I've been watching more TV than I used to. And of course that means I've been exposed to more commercials, which means that you guys now get the privilege of hearing me rant! YAAAAAAAY.
First off: good things. It's always suggested that you start off with good things. So, I've noticed that there are more commercials that feature women who actually look like real women! And, um, by "more" I pretty much mean two. But still! I'll take a little improvement over no improvement.
Secondly: bad things. Yesterday, I saw a commercial for some drug that's supposed to help women be "one less statistic"* in the fight against cervical cancer! It's related to that VD whose name I can't remember that there's a vaccine for? And there was this whole uproar in the newspaper about whether or not parents should get their young daughters vaccinated because they'll probably have sex, whether the parents know about it or not. ANYWAY. This ad featured a lot of women -- some of whom actually looked real! Jack that previous count up to three -- doing active and uplifting things while cheering "I want to be one less!" "One less!" And it ended with all of these women chanting "Because I want to be one less!"
Here is my question: why couldn't the slogan have been "I want to be one more! One more woman without cervical cancer!" This ad, that's supposed to be so uplifting and liberating, features a bunch of women who want to be less. There is a negative spin on this ad that doesn't need to be there. I'm not suggesting that there's a conspiracy out there to keep women in their place, but I just want to point out that even if it's not on purpose, it's still present.
And I am not even going to go into all of the vacuum/shower/dish cleaner ads. HAHA, good times! Only women do those things! Those things are like adventures to women! Women don't need to go on safaris when they have vacuum cleaners!
Finally: good things. Because we're supposed to end on a postive note. Uh. The "National Health Challenge" ad is telling us to "GET YOUR HEALTH ON" by "GOING TO THEIR WEBSITE NOW!" Wait, hang on, that's not good. That's just ironic. Sigh.
* Never mind the fact that it is literally impossible to be one less statistic unless you went back in time and made sure you were never born. Because otherwise, you'll just be a statistic under the category "Doesn't have cervical cancer."