HERE IS THE DEAL: Baco made me take down my previous post about a conversation we had because the paraphrasing sounded kind of sexist and double-standardy. So in a future post, we will talk about sexism and double-standardness! But for now, you get the serious, non-conversation version of that post.
Baco and I were discussing
a post rionaleonhart made about Ashes to Ashes, which is apparently the heterosexual version of Life on Mars. (Since, you know, I had no idea they were making a new show! And I still don't really know what it's about, since I, um, haven't finished watching Life on Mars yet. GETTING TO IT!)
I am really hoping that Sexy Alex and Gene do not have a romantic sexual relationship at any point in the show, because that is totally ...not cool. Unequal? Biased? I don't know what the word I want is, here. But the point is that as far as I know, there was no sexual relationship between Sam and Gene, and there totally could have been. Subtext? OH MY GOD YES.
I mean, there's even an
interview in which the creator and writer of the show stated that there was intentional homoeroticism present. So I will be incredibly pissed if it is okay for Sexy Alex and Gene to sex it up, but not for Sam and Gene. Because that inequality is not okay.