soranokumo! Talk about what kind of poetry you absolutely dislike. Bonus points for writing an example to share with the class.
I tend to not read the kind of poetry I dislike, so this will be a bit more difficult to answer. However! I recently read a book that featured some of Sassoon Siegfried's early, pre-war poetry, and it was absolutely terrible. Not that - not that he's a bad poet, it's just that my eyes start to glaze over when someone takes an idyllic scene and attempts to add a few more layers of bucolic on top of that. Especially poems that rhyme.
"I Should Have Used the Word 'Dewey-Eyed' Somewhere in Here"
Has there e'er been such a peaceful sight
As the flowers, all sun-soaked and bright
Blushing bride-like on her wedding night,
Wind warm against their petals, touch light.
THE FIRST STANZA, WRITTEN IN FIVE MINUTES. Or. Something. I didn't actually time myself, although now I kind of wish I had. We could have poetry races.
That's all the brains I got for the night! Especially when Baco is listening to …I don't know what genre of music it is, but it is not appropriate for bucolic rhyming.