Apr 23, 2012 15:24
I want to write a post (or maybe several) about spirituality and religion, but I'm still looking for the right words. I've been struggling with both for awhile, now.
One of the things that keeps tripping me up is what spirituality is. What's the difference between something spiritual and something religious? I mean, for me personally, the two are separate things, but where and how do you draw the line? What about between something that is spiritual and something that takes your breath away? Where does 'awesome' cross the line into 'transcendent?'
I keep trying to work out what feels spiritual to me. It's a pretty short list, so far, with music at the top and the power of nature at the bottom. (And, uh, nothing in between. I'm still working on it.) I can't figure out where writing fits in with this, either -- if it's spiritual in nature or if it's just one of those things that I need to feel whole.*
I know that spirituality and religion are very personal things to a lot of people, but if you don't mind sharing, I really want to hear about other people's experiences. What spirituality means to you. What you do to fulfill that need, if you have one.
AND I WANT TO SAY, it is totally okay to not be spiritual or religious. Actually, I'm kind of curious what spirituality means to my friends who consider themselves atheists. Like, does it fit in the same basic category as religion? Do you consider it another word for 'breath-taking?'
* Writing itself isn't actually the important part, but characters, oh man, look out. Talking about characters and specific ideas that feel important to me is where it's at.
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