Mar 28, 2006 15:19
I was tagged....
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. waitress
2. respite aid
3. housekeeper
4. daycare supervisor
Four movies I would watch over and over again:
1. Saved
2. Monsters Inc.
3. Angels In America
4. American History X
Five places I have lived: (yeah, i haven't gotten out much!!)
1. Davenport, IA
2. Cedar Rapids, IA
3. Boulder Creek, California
4. Vinna, Austria - with my bff for two weeks
5. (hopefully soon, San Fransisco)
Six TV shows I love to watch:
1. Buffy
2. Sex and the City
3. Desperate Housewives
4. Grey’s Anatomy
5. Smallville
6. Family Guy
Five places I've been on vacation:
1. Prague
2. Vienna
3. California (tons of places)
4. Canada
5. Mexico
Three websites I visit daily:
1. myspace
2. (email accts)
3. Livejournal
Four of my favorite foods:
1. anything Chinese
2. turkey
3. Italian - the food... and the men
4. taco bell
Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. San Fransisco
2. Prague, Czech Republic
3. Greece
4. any state with a city over a million people.
Five friends whom I have tagged:
1. megan
2. ellyn
3. ameila
4. goeff
5. lizzie