While I am to lazy to actually do anything productive, to hyper to head to sleep, & bored, I figured this is a good time to work on the Wish list. It /might/ make it easier for me to knock my collection out. Maybe.
Staring with TCG:
Hopefully, I will get each mew card that exists, & frame all of them together. If you know of a card that I may have forgotten, please, let me know~! :D
Ancient Mew
Mew - Expedition
Mew promo #8
Pokemon - Mew-EX (RC24/RC25) - Legendary Treasures
Pokemon - Mew-EX (46) - BW - Dragons Exalted - Holo
Pokemon Legend HS4 Triumphant Single Card Mew Prime #97 Super Rare Holo
Pokemon - Mew-EX (120) - BW - Dragons Exalted - Holo
Pokemon EX Dragon Frontiers #101 Shining Mew Holofoil Card
Mew - Diamond & Pearl Secret Wonders - 15
Japanese Vending Machine Promo
& that is all I can get out for now. Time for some shut eye. n.n