Title: The Truth of It
Author: Squeeka Cuomo
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sansa/Sandor
Author’s Note: This fic was written for the weekly drabble post at
sansan_got. The theme was "A hound will die for you, but never lie to you."
Warning: Mentions of violence.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: It’s never going to end. Is it?
The Truth of It
“It’s never going to end. Is it?” The question slipped out of Sansa’s mouth before she could stop it. She hadn’t meant to speak the words- truly, she hadn’t. But as the coppery taste of blood met her tongue, she hadn’t been able to stop herself.
She’d dared to ask Joffrey a question being spoke to first and received a smack to each side of her face for it. The blows had stung, but they weren’t the worst she’d received at his command.
But still, the stinging of her cheeks, such a familiar sensation, had brought tears to her eyes.
Not tears of pain, she’d learned to quell those. Instead, they were tears of desperation and hopelessness.
The second Sansa had heard the king and his guards’ boots echo down the hallway the words had spilled out of her. It wasn’t a new thought, not by any means, but it was the first time the words had found her voice. If anyone in the castle had heard her…
“No little bird, it’s not.” The voice was a harsh whisper filled with something akin to sadness.
Sansa gasped softly, quickly covering her mouth as she turned to face the Hound. He was standing behind her, a curious expression in his eyes. Her mind instantly began to flit from one horrible scenario to another. Would he tell Joffrey what she’d just said? Or maybe the queen?
Trembling hand still pressed to her mouth, she stared up at the Hound.
A second ago she’d been terrified of what he would do. Just as quickly as those fears had arrived, they drifted away. Somehow she knew, very deep down, that he would not breathe a word of what she’d just said. And when he nodded at her sadly she understood the truth of it.
Squeeka Cuomo’s Notes
- Thanks so much to
simplyprologue for the beta. :)
- Reviews are love.