(Drabble Collection) Touch Me - 2/2

Jul 01, 2011 16:02

Title: Touch Me
Author: Squeeka Cuomo
Rating: PG - PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt/Puck
Author’s Note: These drabbles were all written based on prompts that I received. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have come up with the majority of these ideas without the suggestions I was given. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and left me a prompt! You can find the original list here.
Warning: Everything is fair game. There are spoilers.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: A collection of drabbles, focusing on touch, written for puckurt’s June drabble-a-thon.

Day 21: Fifth Day

It had been four days since Kurt had walked out. But to Puck, it had felt like an eternity. It had been so long since he’d been alone, truly alone. Sure, he and Kurt had spent days apart, visiting with family or friends. But even then, they’d still been a couple; they’d still been together.

Now though…

With Kurt really gone…

Puck had never felt so totally and completely alone in his life.

The day after the fight, Puck had rejoiced in having the apartment to himself. He’d been able to play whatever music he wanted, as loud as he wanted. And after taking his shower, he’d tossed his towel on the floor where it sat, soaking wet, for an hour. That was to say nothing of the junk he’d greedily snarfed down for lunch.

But when he’d woken up to an empty bed the next morning, Puck had been filled with a horrible gaping hole where Kurt normally was. After crawling out of bed, he’d spent the day cleaning the apartment. But in reality, he’d gone through their home searching for signs of the life they’d shared together.

Old photographs.

The ugly duck mug that Puck had bought Kurt as a joke years ago.

Puck’s ratty old WMHS t-shirt that Kurt liked to sleep in.

Just… anything that would make their past seem more real, more present.

He’d gone to sleep wearing his old school shirt and clutching the knit blanket Kurt liked to curl up in when he read.

The following two days had been filled with the same desperate searching for signs that Kurt had been part of his life. And that somehow he still was, because, as of that moment, it didn’t feel like it. Kurt hadn’t called or texted once over the past few days. Sure, Puck knew that Kurt had walked out on him, saying it was over, but part of him was still clinging to the hope that Kurt hadn’t really meant it.

But the more time that passed, the less likely that seemed.

On the fifth day since their fight, Puck woke up feeling just as alone. He went about his day, trying to hold on, hoping that just maybe Kurt would come back, but not really believing it. After five days, it seemed like Kurt was really gone.

When he sat down on the couch for dinner, Puck scanned the apartment for what felt like the millionth time in the past few days. Kurt’s presence still lingered, even if he did not.

Puck was just about to force himself to accept that when he heard a key turn in the lock….

(Written for lezi. Prompt: Past, Present (and Future?))

Day 22: Saliva

For some reason, the idea of licking or being licked had always grossed Kurt out. He knew that it was supposed to be romantic and sexy. But whenever he thought of someone running their tongue over his skin… he couldn’t help but feel a little nauseous.

To him, licking seemed anything but romantic. In fact, it made him think of animals. After all, dogs licked. Cats, sometimes, licked too. And he’d learned at the petting zoo, the hard way, that most animals would lick your palm if you offered them food. Goats, sheep, llamas… they’d all stick out their tongues and rub it over your palm, leaving long tendrils of saliva behind in their wake.

So really, the whole process of licking just seemed so… disgusting.

But as he held Puck in his arms, both of them trying to catch their breath, Kurt wanted nothing more than to press his tongue against Puck’s throat. He wanted to taste his sweat and revel in the heat of Puck’s flushed flesh. It didn’t help that Puck’s head was thrown back slightly, exposing the pounding pulse point in his throat.

As he watched the throbbing vein, Kurt drew in a deep shuddering breath. He wanted to feel the rhythm under his tongue, to explore the way Puck’s energy felt under such an intimate touch. And as he stared, Kurt thought maybe licking wasn’t so gross….

Their tongues had touched after all, dancing together as they’d kissed. Why should Puck’s neck be any different? It wasn’t like Kurt was going to lick crushed corn off Puck’s throat. And it certainly wasn’t like he was going to leave gobs of spit behind either.

He just wanted to taste Puck….

Taking as deep a breath as his lungs would permit, Kurt dipped his head forward. When his nose brushed against Puck’s jaw, he flicked out his tongue. It was only one small touch, but he instantly tasted the heat and pounding of the throbbing vein. When Puck shivered in response, Kurt decided that perhaps licking wasn’t so bad after all.

(Written for lezi. Prompt: Lick)

Day 23: Fruity Drinks

Mr. Hummel shoved a large bag of charcoal briquettes into Puck’s arm causing him to stumble backward a bit. While he tried to regain his balance, Puck couldn’t help but wonder if just maybe he’d done that on purpose. Like… maybe Mr. Hummel was testing him in some weird way. Puck wasn’t quite sure what that way might be, but he’d had fathers do stranger things upon meeting him. Granted, this wasn’t his first time meeting Kurt’s dad. But it was his first time hanging out with the Hummel’s as Kurt’s boyfriend.

Which seemed to make a world of difference in Mr. Hummel’s wise eyes.

As he carried the bag over to the grill, Puck caught sight of Kurt. He was sitting at the picnic table with Rachel and Mrs. Hummel. They all had tall glasses of some fruity drink that Kurt had accessorized with plump, red strawberries and umbrellas. Kurt was smiling and laughing with the girls, but Puck could tell that he wasn’t really paying attention to them. Instead, he was watching Puck and nibbling at the strawberry off of his own glass.

A slow burn, which had nothing to do with the hot August weather, began to creep up Puck’s spine. He wanted to stay there, watching as Kurt flirted with him from across the yard. But just as Kurt blew him a kiss, Puck heard a pointed cough behind him.

As Puck turned around, the heat that had begun to fill him only seconds ago turned to a deep flush as Mr. Hummel stared at him. “I….” Puck’s eyes quickly flickered back to Kurt who was trying to hold back a fit of giggles. It was obvious that Kurt had known his dad was standing right behind him.

Shooting Kurt a dirty look, Puck adjusted the bag in his arms. But before he could take it over to the grill, Kurt blew him another kiss. And even though they were far apart, Puck swore that he could feel it teasing his cheek.

(Written for wearemagnetised. Prompt: Charcoal)

Day 24: Classic White

Puck stood amongst the shelves holding the dress shirts. The store offered a rainbow of colors, each in a plastic sleeve, folded perfectly with the edges of the collars pinned down. Most of the shirts were solid colors, but some had thin stripes or collars and cuffs of a different shade from the rest of the shirt.

Slowly walking through the forest of dress shirts, Puck began to pick out different ones that caught his eye. By the time he’d made his way to the end of the first row, he was holding a bright yellow shirt, a baby blue one, and a royal purple. But before turning into the next aisle, he doubled back for a red shirt with black pinstripes and a green one with an orange collar.

He’d made it halfway through the second aisle and had his hands on a lime green shirt with yellow stripes when Kurt appeared in front of him.

“Noah….” Kurt dragged out the word as if he was trying to be patient with a small child. “What are you doing?”

“Umh….” Puck’s mind went into overdrive as he tried to come up with an explanation. “Shopping.” It came out sounding more like a question than a statement. Trying to cover it up, he nodded at the heaps of clothing Kurt had slung over his arm.

“No, you aren’t.” Puck looked at Kurt questioningly as he shifted the items from one arm to the other. “You’re picking out random dress shirts. Again..”

“Well, yeah.” Adding the shirt he was picking up to the pile in his arms, Puck felt himself grow more confident. “I need to try them on before I pick out the ones I want, right?”

Kurt sighed and rolled his eyes. “Noah, you don’t need any more dress shirts. You have twenty as it is. And you don’t even wear them for work. You just have them!”

Puck could see the exasperation growing in Kurt, and he felt himself become put out. “Yeah, well, what do you need all of those clothes for? You’ve got two closets full already.”

“Honey, this is the new fall collection. I donated all of my out of date pieces to the Good Will last week. Don’t you remember me cleaning?” Puck blushed as Kurt stared at him meaningfully. Yes, he remembered that day. But it was the cleaning that he remembered.

It was everything that had come after that he remembered with perfect clarity.

“Yeah. But I didn’t know that that meant you needed a whole new wardrobe.” Puck spied an orange Creamsicle colored shirt not that far away that he wanted to grab. But he didn’t dare move.

“Not a whole new one.” Puck tried to edge towards the shirt as Kurt looked over the things in his arms. “I kept all of my staples. These are just new accent pieces.”

“Uh huh.” He nodded along like he understood what Kurt was talking about. So long as Kurt didn’t notice what he was doing, Puck was fine.

“Stop.” Puck froze as Kurt reached out a hand to grab his wrist. How he’d managed that, Puck didn’t know. “Noah, this is becoming a serious problem here lately. What is with all of the dress shirts?”

“I….” Puck’s voice trailed off, as Kurt gave his wrist a reassuring squeeze. “I like it when….” He dropped his eyes to floor, a slow flush creeping around his neck. Puck couldn’t believe that he was embarrassed. He was never embarrassed about things like this. But somehow, his reason for wanting the shirts seemed so much more intimate and private than he’d even realized.

“Hmmm?” The sound was a low buzz in Kurt’s throat, and Puck found himself swallowing deeply.

“I like it when you wear my shirts. After we….” Feeling like a moron, Puck felt his flush deepen. Kurt’s hand was still on his wrist, but now he was stroking the pulse point in Puck’s wrist soothingly. “You know.” What was his problem? Why couldn’t he just come out and say that he liked seeing Kurt in nothing but his dress shirts after they’d had sex?

“So that’s why the closet is suddenly filled with these….” He let go of Puck’s wrist and took the stack of shirts from him. Still staring at Puck, he tossed them on top of the shelf. Puck felt like crying out when he saw them scatter. But Kurt leaned in, his mouth brushing Puck’s ear as he spoke. “In that case… the only dress shirts I want in your closet now are classic white. Do you understand?” He nipped at Puck’s ear a little, and Puck felt his heartbeat stutter.

If plain white shirts were what it took to see Kurt in his shirts, then he would happily stock up them from now on.

(Written for wearemagnetised. Prompt: Intervention)

Day 25 Hang Man

Kurt wouldn’t call what he had a secret admirer.

Yes, this person was keeping themself a secret. And yes, they were leaving him notes on his locker. But that was it. No flowers, no chocolates, no gifts or trinkets. Just hastily scrawled words on yellow Post-It’s in a scrawl that Kurt didn’t recognize.

When he’d found the first one stuck to his locker, Kurt had pulled it away, thinking it was just another taunt. But when he’d read it, he’d been shocked (and flattered) to see that it said, “You look hot in those jeans.” After reading it, Kurt had smiled to himself, but as he pulled open his locker, his expression changed for two reasons.

The first of which was Blaine. Or… Blaine’s picture, but whatever, same thing. The glossy five by seven was staring down at him smiling serenely from its place of honor. And as he looked at the photo, Kurt couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about being so pleased by the note. But he brushed that off, telling himself that there was nothing wrong with being touched by a compliment. Especially one that was true. He did look fabulous in his new red pinstripe, cropped skinny jeans.

That was just a fact.

But as soon as his guilt slipped away, Kurt’s mind went to the only other boy at WMHS he knew was gay.


Staring at the note, Kurt tried to find Karofsky’s presence in the token. He couldn’t though. Karofsky, after all, had made his feelings known loud and clear. So Kurt couldn’t see him resorting to anonymous letters. Plus, the handwriting, while sloppy, seemed… relaxed. And as odd as that sounded, Kurt couldn’t help but imagine Karofsky’s handwriting to be small and cramped, almost hostile.

Looking at the note once again, Kurt decided that there was no way that it could have been from Karofsky. So, his confidence boosted, Kurt stuck the note on the inside of his locker door between his ticket from New York and a picture of himself with Rachel and Mercedes. But before closing his locker, Kurt ran his fingers over the words, wishing he knew who had written them.

For the next two weeks, Kurt had walked to his locker in the morning to find a new note. Each one had a different message; some were about his appearance, while others complimented his singing or attitude. However, none of them gave a single clue as to who the Post-It Poet (as Kurt had taken to calling him) was. But Kurt didn’t really mind. He liked having the compliments to look forward to - even if Blaine’s picture was starting to make him feel a little guilty about it.

He’d thought of asking if anyone had seen the mysterious Post-It leaver. He’d also thought of showing one of the notes to Mercedes to see if she recognized the handwriting. But he did neither. Kurt knew that if he would have, rumors would start to swirl, which might make the notes stop.

Instead, he decided to keep his mouth shut and enjoy the compliments as they came.

Until one day Kurt saw something that stopped his heart in his chest….

Like normal, Mr. Schuester was running late for glee rehearsal. And while that meant that they would get out five minutes later than they were supposed to, Kurt didn’t really mind. It gave him a chance to wind down after a long day of classes and exchange some gossip with the girls.

Here lately though, the boys had taken to playing hangman on the white board while they waited for Schue to arrive. The first time they’d played, Kurt had thrown out a letter or two. But when the word was revealed, he’d vowed never to play with them again. Gossiping with Rachel was way more entertaining than games about what the boys did in their spare time.

Today, it was Puck’s turn to man the board. And even though Kurt had no intention of participating, he looked over at the game to see what today’s clue was. But when he looked up and saw a familiar lazy scrawl, normally seen on a yellow Post-It, Kurt gasped in shock.

(Written for wearemagnetised. Prompt: Post-it Notes)

Day 26 Shake Up

“Here, just trust me.” Puck held out the cup in his hand, the sweat making it slip. He clutched it tighter, causing a little to spill over his skin. The sugary lemonade was freezing as it slid over his fingers. Lifting his hand, he licked off the sticky trail before it could drip onto his shoes. The drink was tart, yet sweet, just like he remembered.

“Noah, I love you, but no.” Puck’s eyes flickered over to Kurt just in time to see an exasperated look leave his face. “I have a show in a week, and I need to look by best.”

Puck snorted. “Babe, you always look hot.” He quirked an un-amused eyebrow at his boyfriend. “Which you know.”

Kurt returned Puck’s look, and Puck couldn’t help but laugh.

Staring pointedly at Kurt, Puck took a long drink from the lemon shake up he was holding. It was just as delicious as when he was a kid. And he couldn’t help but moan a little as the taste of lemons and sugar slid down his throat, chilling his insides. It was swelteringly hot outside, but for a few seconds, he managed to feel cool. Wrapping his lips around the straw, Puck took another drink.

“What is it with you?” Kurt’s voice was curious, and Puck stared at him over the rim of his glass. “You’ve been raving about the lemonade since we walked into the fair.” Kurt cringed as a sticky toddler carrying a balloon and cotton candy bumped into him.

Puck took another sip of the lemon shakeup, savoring the taste of the fresh lemon juice. “My dad used to bring me here. Before he left.” He looked down at the cup in his hands. It was made of bright green plastic, and there was half of a squeezed lemon floating at the bottom. “We would share lemon shake ups.” Looking up at Kurt, he shrugged a little.

“Oh.” Kurt’s voice was soft, and Puck didn’t know what to say. “Well, I guess I could try a little. Just a sip….” A small smile crossed his face.

Returning the smile, Puck held the drink out to his boyfriend.

(Written for mrs_sakuma. Prompt: County Fair)

Day 27 Under the Big Top

Kurt reached into the box of popcorn that he’d purchased on their way into the tent. As he looked around at all of the sights, he put the fluffy kernels in his mouth and began to chew. Even though it was fresh, the popcorn tasted slightly stale; the horrible humidity had gotten to it already. It was also very salty, like the popper had done that with the hope his customers would come back for drinks. And if that really was the man’s plan, it had worked; Kurt was already dying for a Diet Coke.

“Hey, Noah, I want to go back and get something to drink.” Kurt looked over at his boyfriend.

Puck was staring at him with an I-told-you-so look on his face. And yes, Puck had told him so. But Kurt hadn’t wanted to risk getting anything liquid when they’d first walked into the red-and-blue-striped big top. There were just too many screaming children running around with snow cones and hot dogs for him to feel comfortable. It would only take one hyperactive toddler bumping into him for Kurt to ruin his white pants.

When Puck didn’t say anything, Kurt rolled his eyes. “Yes, ok. You were right. I should have gotten it before, and now the lines are probably really long. And we’ll get terrible seats. Is that all? Did I miss something?” He shot Puck a nasty look as Puck pretended to consider the question.

“Nah, that sounds about right.” As they headed back towards the concession stand, Puck reached over for the popcorn. But Kurt gently smacked his hand away. No way was Puck gonna get his hands into Kurt’s popcorn after that. Puck smirked in triumph.

Once they reached the (very long) line, Kurt began to look around once again. The tent was huge, large enough to hold three rings. Hanging above the center one was an assortment of hoops, ropes, and pulleys that he could only assume were for the aerialists. The ring farthest to the right was closed in by a large metal cage and was filled with five stools large enough for tigers. The one on the left contained curious contraptions. One looked like some weird balancing act, and another looked like a table covered in knives.

All around him were the sounds of people talking and children screaming. The chorus of voices mingled with the calliope music that filled the tent. And the whole thing smelled of sawdust, animals, and popcorn. It was a strangely wonderful scent that reminded him of the days he’d gone to see the circus with his parents.

There was just only thing that seemed to be missing from the excitement. One thing that, truth be told, Kurt didn’t miss at all….

Puck elbowed Kurt in the ribs. His voice was excited as he exclaimed, “Hey babe, check it out!”

And even though Kurt wanted to continue soaking in the sights and sounds of his childhood, he turned towards his boyfriend. But instead of Puck, Kurt came face to face with his worst nightmare.

With the thing that had haunted his dreams since his dad let him stay up late to watch It when he was seven.

Standing next to Puck, wearing a bright red wig and white face with a smile that stretched creepily from ear to ear, was a clown.

Before he could think, before he could process what was happening, Kurt jumped. Popcorn rained from his box in a shower of little buttery puffs that stuck to his hair and caught here and there on his accessories. The clown’s face continued to grin, but his eyes looked shocked. And before the scene could get any worse, he walked off towards a group of kids.

But even though he was gone, Kurt’s heart was hammering and his palms sweating. He could feel the people around him staring, and he wanted nothing more than to hide under the bleachers. But his feet were stuck to the straw dust strewn ground.

“Babe, come here.” Kurt barely registered Puck’s words as he was pulled into his strong arms. “What’s wrong?”

As Puck held onto him, Kurt felt himself begin to calm down a bit. “I really don’t like clowns.”

(Written for mrs_sakuma. Prompt: Circus)

Day 28 Sunrise

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting Kurt’s room in a soft pink haze. Puck had been awake for a little while, dreading the moment when he would have to get up and leave. The night before, Kurt had told him that he should go home, that if his dad caught him there, he would be dead. But Puck hadn’t been able to make himself go. The bed was so comfortable, and Kurt looked so beautiful sprawled out, his pale skin flushed pink against the white sheets.

So, despite his better judgment, Puck had stayed, promising to be gone before Mr. Hummel woke up.

But now it was that time, and Puck was loathe to leave.

He wanted to kiss Kurt good morning and see how he looked when he first opened his eyes. That, however, wasn’t an option. Not that morning anyway.

Once again, Puck looked at his boyfriend. Kurt was still fast asleep, his chest rising and falling in a slow rhythm. His eyelashes brushed against his cheeks as his eyes flickered in a dream. And his mouth was open just a touch, looking soft and kissable.

But despite all of that, the thing that caught Puck’s attention the most was a slight layer of stubble that ghosted over his face. It was faint, barely noticeable, but it was there. And Puck couldn’t stop himself from reaching out running his finger over it.

At the touch, Kurt stirred gently in his sleep, sighing softly.

Puck watched him, amazed at the feel of the soft hairs under his skin. He couldn’t believe that Kurt, with his gentle features and porcelain skin, was capable of growing stubble. It seemed like the complete opposite of the face he gave the world.

But there it was, as dark as his hair, a faint look at the man he was becoming.

(Written for digitalchoco. Prompt: Stubble)

Day 29 Bad Attitude

“Excuse you.” Kurt stumbled back a step as he bounced off a very hard body. He’d been in New York for five years now, but he still couldn’t get over just how rude some people could be. And worse yet, he sort of felt like their attitude was starting rub off on him. (Which, considering how much he had already, wasn’t a good thing.)

But even though he felt a twinge of guilt after his outburst, Kurt didn’t regret what he’d said. He and Rachel had a performance tonight, and he could not be late for his call time. That would follow him around forever.

“No, excuse you.” The voice that responded to Kurt was gruff and just as put out. “You’re the one who ran into me, dude.”

It took only one word for Kurt to realize who he had just run into.

Because only Noah Puckerman could use the word dude quite like that.

Taking a deep breath, Kurt looked up from where he was straightening his jacket.

Puck looked older, more mature, and his stupid fake-y mohawk was gone. Now, he had an inch of dark hair that covered his entire scalp. He hadn’t lost any of his muscle, but it seemed more refined now - less jock and more model. And even though he hated to admit it, Kurt couldn’t help but think that Puck looked great.

It was as Puck smiled down at him that Kurt realized something. Puck was the mystery guest that Rachel had invited to the show just for him. As a smile began to cross Kurt’s own face, he couldn’t decide whether he wanted to kill Rachel or kiss her.

(Written for Anonymous. Prompt: New York)

Day 30 Pip Pip

Puck climbed the stairs after Finn, a bag of Funyuns in one arm and a two liter of Mello Yello in the other. As far as he was concerned, it didn’t get much better than the tasty goodness of the onions rings washed down by the smooth taste of his favorite citrus drink. Sure, Finn had protested, saying that Cherry Coke and Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles were the best, but Puck knew that wasn’t true.

Once they reached the top of staircase, Finn realized that he’d forgotten the ranch flavored dip in the kitchen. Puck offered to go get it, but Finn told him to go ahead and get the X Box set up instead. Which, truth be told, made Puck happy. He didn’t really have any desire to run back down the steps for something that grossed him out.

So as Finn ran down the steps, his footfalls sounding like thunder, Puck headed towards Finn’s bedroom. But as he passed Kurt’s room, he heard a high-pitched voice singing some song that was far too peppy to be a dude’s. And from what he could make out, it was a girl’s song. Or Puck thought it was anyway. After all, the lyrics had something to do a prince and looking good from behind in a white dress. But with Kurt, you just never knew.

Curious but more importantly confused, Puck used his elbow to push open the door. He tried to be quiet, hoping to catch Kurt in some embarrassing act. Because hey, he and Kurt might have become friends(-ish), but Puck wasn’t above a little teasing.

When he finally had the door open, Puck froze. It was too good to be true.

Kurt was spinning around, a bouquet of fake flowers in his hand and a white sheet wrapped around his body like a dress. And as he continued to twirl, he sang about being a maid-of-honor for a future queen. Before Puck could stop himself, he was laughing so hard that the bag of Funyuns fell from his arm.

The next thing Puck knew, Kurt had stopped spinning and was staring at him. His face was flushed a deep red, and the sheet dress had slipped off his shoulder. He looked so embarrassed that Puck thought he might keel over any second.

Through his laughter, Puck managed to ask, “What are you doing?” He bent over to pick of his bag of snacks but didn’t take his eyes off of Kurt.

Kurt seemed frozen in his spot, unable to speak. But after a few painful seconds, he composed himself, even straightening the wrap. “I was… I was working on my musical about Pippa Middleton, thank you very much.” He shook his hair back, as if trying to look dignified, and Puck was overcome with laughter again.

Through the tears of mirth that were forming in his eyes, Puck could see Kurt staring at him. His arms were crossed over his chest, the bouquet still clutched tightly in his grasp. And even though Puck was laughing so hard he could barely think straight, a conversation he’d had with his sister came to mind. “Wait… isn’t that like….” He paused as he tried to come up with the word.

One night he’d caught Erin reading something online about vampires and werewolves. She’d gone on to explain that it was a very popular ‘fic’ about Caroline and Tyler from The Vampire Diaries by a much beloved author. She’d had a word for that as well, but he couldn’t remember what it was. “Fanfiction?”

“What?” Kurt gasped. “No! Of course it isn’t. Pippa Middleton is a real person, Puckerman.”

Puck’s raucous laughter had died down, and the comment made him snort in amusement. “Same thing, dude. You’re writing a story -”

“It’s a musical!” Kurt’s voice raised an octave, and his eyebrows climbed with it.

“Fine. You’re writing a musical about someone, because you’re a fan of them.” Puck figured that his sister would probably have had a few things to add on the subject. But he thought he’d caught the gist of if it. And from the look on Kurt’s face, Puck was pretty sure he felt the same way.

“I don’t care.” Puck watched Kurt as he tried to deny it. “It is not fanfiction.”

Puck could just make out the sound of Finn clopping around in the kitchen. And he realized just how long it had taken him to grab the dip. “Whatever, it so is. And you -”

“Yo, Puck! I hope you’ve got the game set up! I made us some pizza puffs too!” Finn’s voice echoed up the steps, and Puck shook his head at the same time Kurt rolled his eyes.

But despite the eye roll, Kurt looked a little relieved. “Well, it sounds like your playmate is coming back. So… off you go!” He waved at the door with the flowers.

Puck laughed at the eagerness in Kurt’s voice. As amusing at it was though, Puck knew Kurt was right. Finn was going to have a heart attack when he realized the zombies weren’t ready to eat his virtual brains. And grumpy Finn was likely to hog the pizza puffs, which was not cool. “Well, I’ll let you get back to your fic. And if you ever need a prince to rehearse with, just let me know.”

Once again, Kurt’s face turned bright red. This time though, he wasn’t embarrassed; he was angry. And just as Puck turned to walk back into the hall, he saw Kurt heave the fake flowers he’d been holding at him. A second later, the bouquet hit him squarely in the back of the head and fell to the floor. Rather than turn around, Puck just laughed harder as he made his way to Finn’s room. The sound of a door slamming echoed behind him.

(Written for Anonymous. Prompt: Fanfiction)

Squeeka Cuomo’s Notes
- A huge thank you to raving_liberal for agreeing to do some emergency betaing. Even though my beta ended up pulling through, I still appreciate the help. :)
- Thank you to everyone who submitted prompts. Each and every drabble is dedicated to the prompter. I hope you all enjoyed reading them just as much as I enjoyed writing them.
- Quack: Thank you so, so much. I know this was a long, difficult haul and I really appreciate all of your dedication and support.
- Reviews are love.

(character) noah "puck" puckerman, (character) kurt hummel, (fandom) glee, (author) squeeka, (ship) kurt/puck

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