Gift of Screws, Chapter 11

Sep 20, 2010 12:32

Title: Gift of Screws, Chapter Eleven
Author: Duckie Nicks
Rating:  NC-17 for sex
Characters:  House, Cuddy, Rachel Cuddy
Author's Note:  This piece takes place in the future when Rachel is five; House and Cuddy are in an established relationship. This fic also contains sex. If any of ( Read more... )

(character) rachel cuddy, (character) greg house, (chaptered fic) gift of screws, (author) quack, (ship) house/cuddy, (fandom) house, (character) lisa cuddy

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Comments 16

tuckp3 September 20 2010, 22:10:03 UTC
omg. i'm two chapters behind. what the huh! i blame school. don't take this the wrong way, but i can't believe you're ahead of me :p but my god, i will be reading this. not tonite, and i'm sure you know why!


lieueitak September 25 2010, 03:50:59 UTC
LOL, you must really be busy if I'm beating you at my snail's pace. :P


crumpled_up September 21 2010, 02:55:32 UTC
So, first of all I'm impressed that you managed to be coherent enough to write and post this the day of the premiere. Second, wow. House is all over the place and Cuddy's trying to help and and both unintentionally hurt each other and they're both trying to make this work. Guh. It's just like House to keep avoiding the subject and walk away. This is awesome. The angst and confusion. Bring it on. Rachel's confession changed everything and I can't wait to see where this goes. You rock. ♥


lieueitak September 25 2010, 03:56:33 UTC
Honestly, I finished this the day before the premiere. I had wanted to post it that weekend, but when I finished it Sunday night, I was too tired to edit and post it. So it had to be done Monday, and actually, it was a nice way to pass the time, lol.

Anyway, I'm glad that you liked the chapter. Angst and confusion were definitely things I was going far, so it's nice to know that that came through. Thanks for reading and reviewing. :D


tomcess18 September 21 2010, 07:22:12 UTC
With the premiere ep of season 7, I thought I couldn’t read this chapter because of my incoherent thoughts. But fortunately, I calm down and enjoy this chap tremendously! I’m going to read this again later, although, I always read your fic 3 times so I wouldn’t missed anything.

I loved the fact that you incorporated the “Skin Deep” ep. Its not my favorite, but I always thought that ep was significant to their relationship.

You are scaring me with this chapter. I hope they will not break-up, they still have a Purim to go to.. Oh House, why can’t you just allowed yourself to be happy?


lieueitak September 25 2010, 03:59:28 UTC
LOL, my goal had been to get this up before the premiere, but that didn't happen. I'm glad that you were able to calm down, despite the amazingness of the premiere, :D

If House could allow himself to be happy, things would be as interesting as they are. :P But I don't think a break up is in their future, :D

Thanks for reading and reviewing.


jwhite2199 September 22 2010, 05:05:20 UTC
God, it's such a twisted game of "I know you better than you know yourself," that they play, that sometimes it's really difficult to keep straight. Toss in both House & Cuddy's individual inabilities to actually verbalize what they need or how they feel...

you're continuing to blow me away with this story. Rachel admitting to caring- at least in some capacity- about House definitely changes the game, for all of them in every way. And I'm looking forward to seeing where you take that.


lieueitak September 25 2010, 04:16:32 UTC
I hear what you're saying about how hard it is to keep things straight. House and Cuddy individually are both complex characters with some convoluted logic, and that extends to the way they interact and view one another as well. Hopefully, it all makes sense though, lol. Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing. :D


playingwth_fire October 6 2010, 03:59:42 UTC
This is gorgeous. I just found this story and read it from chapter 1. Absolutely amazing work! I can't wait to see how it progresses from here. :D


lieueitak October 9 2010, 02:02:58 UTC
Thank you. :) I'm glad you liked it. BTW, your icon is gorgeous. :D


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