Title: Edge of Chaos, Chapter Two
Author: Duckie Nicks
Rating: PG-13
Characters: House, Cuddy, Wilson -- friendship between the three, maybe some Huddy if you squint...
Author's Note: Spoilers for "Wilson's Heart." Please note that chapter one is a flash forward, so there will be some elements that you'll need to read on in further chapters to
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Comments 20
Anyway, this is really well done. It makes me want to hug Wilson and never ever let go. I look forward to the next chapters =)
(And btw, I LOL'd when I saw the Heisenberg's principle..I can't remember how many times I've had to memorise and explain it)
Wilson really could use some hugs right now. D:
Anyway, thanks for the review! I really appreciate it. :-)
Thanks again for reviewing.
So beautifully written.
You have great insight into Cuddy. Her feelings during this whole fiasco towards not only House and Wilson but towards herself as well were spot on and very in character. Her thoughts about what she could have done to prevent this, should she had gotten help for House? Her devotion to him in his moment of need. Because, let's face it, House had nobody except Cuddy.
Loved all of your descriptions. I love a fic full of details and how you've painted a perfect picture.
Oh, and also loved how you filled in all of the little gaps throughout the episode.
Can't wait for the next chapter. I'll be waiting patiently.
Once again, such lovely work, very much looking forward to your next installment! :D
(And BTW, I'm in love with your icon)
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