Apr 21, 2006 16:17
This is still here?
YEah I haven't touched my journal in awhile, but then again I was freaking out.
In the last month or so things really went to hell. James died. We found him in his trailer.
Oreo had to be put down because his kidney's failed.
But in good news. I met some new friends. I'll be moving out of this midwestern ghetto in june to make it to something resembling a city. I'll be going to Denver. Which ought to be nice.
I've really gotten far in working on my own art and for work in school. However, the down side of that is: I cannot find my photoshop disk so I can scan such artwork. Whichs does sorta suck.
Either way, I'm FINALLY starting to level out. So things are good. Kingdom Hearts 2 owns my soul. And come tax return I'm buying my own Nintendo DipsShit. Yay.