Jun 09, 2007 13:41
I made the Dean's List. All A's, one B in Chinese which I am extremely proud of, given how difficult the subject was for me. (The professor was proud too! Yay!)
. I guess I am not going to be taken outside and beaten with a stick by my life's authority figures after all. And maybe I will manage to avoid community college!
This worry about community college, dissolution, living in a box is a tendency I have I call The Irrational Fear, personified by a conviction that anything I mess up will lead to irredeemable failure. This explains why I am incredibly neurotic. I was watching 30 Rock a few days ago. Donaghy was unable to learn his lines for a commercial and, lying on the floor, moaned, "I'm failing. I'm failing. World is spinning." I thought that was a succinct way to sum up why I am the way I am. Someone need to bring me back from the brink of my ever burgeoning type-A brink. I almost hyperventilated at the end of school this year when I was worried about whether I'd get into all my classes during registration. This is ridiculous. Where is the marijuana? WHERE GODDAMIT I HAVE TO BE ON A CONFERENCE CALL
In other news, I am reading Edith Wharton's "Age of Innocence" and it is simply fantastic. Wharton is absolutely sharp as a tack, and her ability to skewer social convention is incredibly entertaining. I do wonder what her 1860-70's socialites would think of what the New York social scene has come to. From the Astor's to Paris Hilton running around without panties. They would be so proud. Actually, I wish Wharton was alive just so she could explore the topic of Paris Hilton. Now that would be something worth reading.
I have eaten Vietnamese food about 6 meals out of seven this week. I think I might be developing some sort of fish sauce related addiction. I also noticed to my horror that I have not eaten cheese for about two weeks now. I think it's fondue time!