Oct 11, 2008 17:37
So I just had a yelling argument with my mother because she didn't find it surprising that a 105 year old woman was a virgin.
Her point was that contraception didn't come around until the 1960's (not true) and that lots of people die virgins (also true, but I'm sure hardly any of them would be 105!)
She gets upset when people make a big deal about virgins, but I was only making a big deal because the woman was 105.
I sometimes forget that my mother's generation (well my mother anyway - she was a teen in the 70s!!) wasn't that well informed about contraception etc. Perhaps I'll try and get her to read the sex book. I don't know, I just want to stay home and cry. I'm okay, just tired. I think she probably got teased as a young adult because she was a virgin until she got married, and would sit in her room while touring with the orchestra she was in while everyone else was off having wild sex and getting high. Plus her mother was Catholic, and she went to Catholic school.
I forked out for the first seasons of Rome and Satisfaction at JB Hifi, as well as a Life of Brian CD (yes, the Monty Python one), an Edith Piaf CD, and a CD of James Bond theme songs (YAY!)
Moral of the story: never read the newspaper around your parents in case there's some interesting nugget of trivia in there.
sex education,