All right before the meme i have bit of an annoucement, I really like this one and would like to offer this up for all five of you that still read this. I am terrible at writing, and part of it is I don't want to ramble about crap people don't care about, so starting now please feel free to email me or message me, leave a comment etc asking me anything you want to know, and ill either reply or post depending on the question. and now i need to thank
flwyd for this
the rules:
flwyd asked me the following five questions.
2. I post the answers in my journal.
3. If you want an interview from me, leave a comment.
4. I'll respond with five questions.
5. You'll post the answers in your journal with an invitation for more interviews.
1) If people know anything about Gunnison, it's probably that it's next to a big canyon and that it gets really frickin' cold in winter. Why should someone visit the town? Is there an awesome draw when it's butt ass cold, or should one wait for the summer?
Well it rally comes down to a matter of opinion, and your personal interests. Gunnison is probably one of the best places to be for outdoor recreation in any season. It sits between 2 ski resorts, one half an hours drive away, the other about an hour, or if you want there are numerous trails and backcountry opportunities around for cross country snowshoeing etc. There is also a lot of ice climbing going on nearby right now, and ice fishing too. And as for as the cold goes, yeah its cold, but most days are sunny, and that helps, just beware the rouge clouds that come to steal your thermal radiation. Summers here are apparently amazing, and late spring (read June, it was cold windy and blowing snow flurries last graduation May 10thish, and this year will probably bring more of the same) and early fall are quite nice too.
2) If you could send an email to your high school self, what advice would it contain? How would you word it so that the high school you would follow it?
Well looking back I do not know that I could actually word it to where my high school self would follow all of what I had to say. I had to learn a lot on my own-mainly how to pull my head out of my ass. I guess it would say do not apply to engineering school up front, go to community college, figure shit out there, go to class, all of them. But then again I wouldn’t be where I am today if I took said advice, and aside from feeling a little behind graduating in 2009 I am pretty happy with where I am, getting here was kind of crappy but perhaps crucial.
3) On the whole, do you think your physical build is an advantage or a disadvantage? Do you find that people change their behavior around you because you're a big guy?
This is an interesting question, I am not sure, and it seems to be on a person to person basis. I was once told that my stature would bring two reactions from people, the first is that I may be looked to more often than others for guidance, leadership, etc. because apparently that is a physical characteristic associated with strong leaders. The other is that I will have to look out for those wanting to pick a fight with me, related to the first reaction but the negative side. I have seen the first somewhat, but it’s hard to say that I am looked to more out of my size or my actual knowledge and abilities. As far as the second is concerned, there have been times that this was a worry, but luckily I was either misreading the situation or my personality diffused it. There is a third factor as well, I am overweight and I am sure this factors into interactions, but again as I really don’t have another perspective I can’t say how much or really how, other than I’ve never been asked to be the top of a human pyramid ;)
4) What most draws you to teaching? What's the biggest challenge you face?
I actually really enjoy sharing what I know with others. I am currently a tutor for the college and it’s probably the best job I have ever had. How this will relate to trying to teach a full class in a more structured setting, I still don’t know, but the general consensus is that I should do fine. There are many challenges that I foresee, most have to do with being properly understood, as I tend to mumble words from time to time and have atrocious handwriting. Other things like dealing with the kids who just don’t care, there’s an easy route not caring, but that seems to be the wrong answer, and the other one is trying to reach them, but ill tell you there’s nothing like trying to help someone and just hearing back about how much they hate math.
5) From which one movie could the viewer gain the most insight into your outlook on life?
I am horrible at picking one, so here is a few, The Big Lebowski-I adore this move and can see parts of myself in Walter Donny and The Dude. The general message of Big Trouble is quite good, I think its “life’s tough so find someone you can count on to get through together,” I would check cause I’m butchering it but I lent it out. Religulous, for a part of my views on religion, and why Catholicism seems to be the sane/awesome big religion now. The Fifth Element for the type of hero I would like to be. There’s more but that’s a start, a weird grouping, but all in comedy.