Book list, 2006

Feb 28, 2006 03:44

I owe a debt of inspiration to both chibibunny and sulphuroxide for this, as both have kept my f-list full of periodic updates on their reading that I've really enjoyed.
Memories of My Melacholy Whores, Gabriel Garcia Marquez: Got this as an Xmas gift from a thoughtful friend at work. It's a strange and beautiful love story, in typical Garcia Marquez style. What was surprising and unexpected to me was how optimistic the story is. Besides 100 Years of Solitude, this is my new fav GGM work.

Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life, C. S. Lewis: I've been sitting on the last few pages of this for weeks, but the majority was read in January. This was a disappointment, but only because I had unrealistic expectations. It's a memoir, and claims to be a 'remarkably frank account of a conversion' and for some reason I convinced myself I was about to read a magical "how to start believing in God when you're smart" instructional. I may get into more detail later, so now I'll just say...all those stereotypes about English boarding schools? Yeah, those were true. No wonder there's so much homoeroticism in Harry Potter.

Marriage Manual, Phyliss Diller: Oh my god, this is the second most gratuitous self-serving book I've ever read (Our Toilets are Not for Customers, if you're curious). It's literally just a collection of Phyliss Diller's bad husband jokes from 1968. I have no idea where it came from, but it showed up at my house and I couldn't resist it. It's autographed, too, so maybe Ebay could soothe the sting of how painfully unfunny this book was.
Vogue magazine, February: I know this doesn't really count as literate, but I've been too busy lately to read as much as I'd like so I'm throwing it in. I like to read the couture mags, especially Vogue, and it had a stunning picture of Drew Barrymore on the cover so I had to pick it up. Her spread was nice, the rest of the mag was pretty blah. I'm on the lookout for Vogue Italia to check out the differences.

authors, books, livejournal, harry potter

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