(no subject)

Aug 28, 2005 00:25

I'm looking for some new stuff to add to my Friend's List. Now that I can check LJ from anywhere on my phone I need some more to read. If there are any LiveJournal users or feeds anybody reading would like to recommend I'd love to hear it. Since I'm reading on a PDA, graphics heavy communities with lots of photos (like picturing_food) or art (like yukipon) don't work so well, but I'm open to any suggestions. And because caring is sharing, here's my recommendation for general friending:
bigbigtruck (news, links, art, mp3s)
HP fans may be interested in:
potterpuffs (powerpuff girl-esque harry potter art)
yukipon (anime style potter art)
I'd be very happy if Carnivale fans joined
carnivale_fic but only because it's mine and I swear I plan to do something with it someday. The rest of the Carnivale communities are pretty useless at this point, so don't bother with them.

Holy shit, did you know people write Once Upon A Time In Mexico fan fic? Neither did I. (agentsands)

You're telling me that nobody has a SINGLE LiveJournal they want to pimp? I thought you guys were supposed to be geeks.

pirates, animation, internet, movies, harry potter, fan fic, hbo, livejournal

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