
Aug 16, 2005 14:28

"Even if you think such things, why do you say them?" she scolded. "If you'd just think what you please but keep your mouth shut, everything would be so much nicer."
"That's your system, isn't it, my green-eyed hypocrite? Scarlett, Scarlett! I hoped for more courageous conduct from you...Tell me truthfully, don't you sometimes almost burst from keeping your mouth shut?"
"Well--yes," Scarlett confessed reluctantly. "I do get awfully bored when they talk about the Cause, morning, noon and night. But goodness, Rhett Butler, if I admitted it nobody would speak to me and none of the boys would dance with me!"
"Ah, yes, and one must be danced with, at all costs. Well, I admire your self-control but I do not find myself equal to it."

angst, authors, books

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