
Nov 28, 2009 00:48

Happy Thanksgiving weekend, all! Hope everyone had safe travels and lots of pie.

I'm feeling kind of a general sense of listlessness and ennui at the mo. Now that I think about it, I guess it's just the post-Daylight Saving Time blahs setting in. But it's nothing a little bit of curating digital ephemera can't fix!

I saw La Cholita (right) do her burlesque act at a concert I went to, it was quite the epic win.

Oh, Mamie, you little firecracker...<3333

Watched the HBO Grey Gardens movie; haven't seen the original documentary in full yet, but from the clips I've seen, Drew B. was transformative as Little Edie. And Little Edie was awesome.

Got around to seeing Julie & Julia too. Being a big fan of silly pins as well as button-ups, and the gorgeously clunky spectators they had Meryl Streep wearing the entire movie, I was charmed by the costume design even when my over familiarity with the story and the tweeness of it all made it a bit tiresome.

Speaking of whimsical fuckery:

I discovered Regretsy the other night, and I read through all 38 pages whilst laughing my ass off. It's like Cake Wrecks, but mean! I'm in love.

This mag spread requires some explanation, I'll try to stick to the Cliff's Note's version:

You see, Glamour ran a photo that turned into a firestorm, which was of the blonde model in the lower center. What was so notable about it was that the model had (shock of all shocks) a little bit of a belly pooch, which was actually allowed to be photographed and appear in a national women's mag. They got so much feedback that they followed it up with this spread and a vow to include more size diversity in the future, assuming they don't strain their arms patting themselves on the back first.

Even as mags are trying to claim they're embracing plus sizes, they're complaining about how they can't even GET couture clothes in plus sizes (which is size 8-12 in fashion, and size 14+ in the real world) because designers don't make them. So, as a result, you end up with a lot of stuff like, don't get me wrong, I LOVE a nude model, and Peter Paul Rubens isn't my hero for nothing, but I also feel like this feeds into the whole "fat women are only sexy in a Goddess, Venus of Willendorf-y kind of way" idea, which is becoming one of my pet peeves. I'm not a fucking Diva just by virtue of being fat, thxvrymch.

And the failing is all on the part of the designers/decision makers, because it's certainly not impossible to clothe a thicker woman alluringly:

It's kind of weird that it's taking so long for the industry to realize that they can actually sell nice stuff to the fatties and they'll shell out for it...but it's happening. There are a few plus size celebs that are out there hogging up all the ink (haha, pun not intended, but awesome) but hopefully it's just the start:

Gabourey Sidibe is newest on the scene, from the movie Precious. I discount the Oscar buzz somewhat since it's a totally Oscar-baiting role as far as I can see, but she's completely enchanting in interviews.

Before I started following the fat fashion blogs, I only tangentially knew who Beth Ditto was:

Lead singer of The Gossip, designed a line for a plus store in the UK, gets clothing made for her by the usually fat-hating Karl Lagerfeld...She's mad popular, but the acid neon 80's thing is not really my aesthetic. She's gorgeous and the camera loves her, though.

Crystal Renn is my favorite (she's at the bottom left of the group photo above):

As a teen she was pretty successful on the scene with a heroin chic look, which led to her developing an eating disorder. Then after she got healthy and adjusted to her natural size she became even more famous than she had been before, after she appeared in a Steve Meisel shoot in Vogue.

She's got a memoir out called Hungry about her experiences, which I've just started reading. Now obviously she's still "model" plus sized and has a very defined hourglass figure and appears downright svelte at times, but I have to admit that those are things I still strive for myself no matter how much I try to believe size matters not.

Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.

OMG, that houndstooth. Tee dee eff. Also to die for: CR's eyebrows.

She quite reminds me of Kate Moss in these next couple:

There's a passage in the intro to Hungry about the center photo below:

«   »
It shows the naked back of a curvy woman, her dark hair curling into tendrils at the nape of her neck. Her body is half draped in rich red fabric. She's gazing off into the distance, lit from the side in a soft northern light. She looks like a Greek goddess or an Old Master painting--A Vermeer, a Titian. There's an eye-catching weightiness to her. As she leans slightly to her right, two modest folds of flesh collect at her waist. (If you were a snarky sort, you might call this lush abundance "back fat.") The picture was taken by photographer Ruven Afanador for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. It was a public service ad, designed to look timeless but also of the moment The objective was to show beauty and strength, to offer hope of a healthy future for all women. It ran in every major women's magazine, from Vogue to O to Bon Appetit to Prevention. The woman in that photograph is me.
Hungry is the story of how I [that photograph].
p. xiii.

The rightmost photo is from the famous Steve Meisel Vogue shoot. I actually remember the issue (it was the yearly "shape" issue where they acknowledge sizes above 8) and ironically I remember it being the last straw before I vowed off buying Vogue regularly outside of September issues. Their proscriptions for how to dress as a weightier person (besides "gigantic vertical stripes" they also recommended belting an "egg-shaped dress" and that is a direct quote) were just so tone deaf and condescending, I decided I had better things to do with five bucks a month. I mean, again, they dressed CRYSTAL RENN as an EGG, for chrissake.

star wars, fashion, celebrities, movies

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