A stronger loving world

Mar 12, 2009 23:52

No new LOST this week, so I figured I'd do something different for a theme bento. I am still dying to see Watchmen, and I've gone from wishing gleefully for it to suck to starting to actually get my hopes up that it will be decent. Anyway, I had been kicking around ideas for a Watchmen bento for a couple of weeks, and I needed a vegetarian lunch for tomorrow, so therefore: I present the Watchmen Squid Bento!

Spoiler alert? I'll put the rest behind a cut, just because I'm nice like that.

Here's the inspiration. I actually had a tiny yellow smiley face that I meant to incorporate into the lunch but I forgot it until after the pictures were taken and the lunch was packed up and fuck if I was going to go to the trouble of redoing everything at that point. It really would have tied the whole thing together, though.

Materials: leftover strawberry trifle (more pictures to come on that, probably), blood orange, mango, kiwi, strawberry and one grape.

Is it just me, or does this thing say "Cloverfield" more than "Watchmen" for some reason? I'm thinking it's the angularity of the "tentacles" but I'm not sure.

comics/graphic novels, lunchbox project, food, movies

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