get back in the kitchen and make me some pie

Oct 13, 2008 23:01

Three weeks feels like an incredibly long time, but then I think about how it's been a whole week since the last time I could post, and it doesn't feel so long after all.

On the subject of posting, my roomie hooked me up with a laptop base with wireless keyboard/mouse, so I'm able to post this while kicking back and watching Rachel. I already read that she's going to be schooling David Frum later in the episode, can't wait to see it.

Besides Rachel and everything else MSNBC, I've become addicted to FiveThirtyEight. I am trying to take everything they say with a grain of salt, since there's still a long way to go, but things are going pretty darn well at the moment. I'm bummed that I've got class Wednesday night so I'll be late on watching the debate, but hopefully I'll get out early since it's test night.

Another thing that I discovered is the Twitter Election 2008 coverage, which is dangerously addictive. I admit, I have caught myself just sitting, staring, as post after post scrolls by on election related topics. Fascinating stuff, and I've found a few cool things that I might not have otherwise. Like this video of Betty White calling Sarah Palin a crazy bitch XD

LOL at Obama talking about pie. What was that about?

Edit: Wow, Rachel really was great. That was totally made of win.

I just checked my email, and "LifeOnMarsABC" followed me on Twitter, I like to think it's because of my insightful review: "Just saw Michael Imperioli's look for Life On Mars. Rocking stache!"

tv, rl, internet, politics

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