fruit brute

Oct 05, 2008 13:28

Last night, I made a list of things that I have to accomplish today. Blogging was not on the list.

MSNBC's using yesterday's Gallup numbers, what's up with that? McCain's gained a point on Obama since then. I think with the debate fallout and the newest dramas like the bailout bill passing and the Ayers thing and another SNL sketch we won't get a real idea for any big shifts for a few days and we'll be onto the debate by then...and it's not like the developments are going to stop. So really it's just going to be a roller coaster from now on, isn't it?

Now they're using the right numbers. Maybe I heard it wrong. Rather pointless to bring it up, in that case. Aha, Josh Gottheimer, who I actually like a lot, just said up by eight, not seven. Little bit of spin there, tricksy little surrogate!

Back to the subject of blogging I'm not doing, I've been struggling with the Comic-Con recap. I don't know if it's my connection or Flickr or some combination of both but it's nuts. I'll get there, but speaking of uploads, I've already got 130+ for Day 3 alone. Since there are really just a few comparatively from Day 4 I think I'll split it up a bit more evenly.

I'm bummed that I haven't been able to keep up with the Lunchbox Project. I mean, I've been keeping up with doing it, just not posting. I just got an order of new bento boxes in and they are awesome...Dag, I'm so behind I haven't even posted any pictures from since I got the first set of bento goodies I bought a few months ago. Here's one of the first ones I made back in June:

Man, I'm going to miss in-season fruit. Sweater weather is nice and all, but at what price?

ETA a few more thoughts...I took "The Politics Test" on OkCupid, thought the questions were a bit dopey but they pegged me pretty well as a dirty little pinko so who am I to criticize?
You are a
Social Liberal
(73% permissive)

and an...
Economic Liberal
(18% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also : The OkCupid Dating Persona Test
Kind of amused by the tiniest bit of overlapping with Democrat. Reminds me of something I was thinking of earlier this week, that technically I'm one of those "independent" voters, though I've always and can't imagine doing anything but voting Democrat. OH SNAP I was going to do some calls today and I never got to it.

Caught a showing of the overlooked Blow last night. It's not like there's really any such thing as a bad Johnny Depp movie. But when he's channeling Robert Evans by way of Robert Kennedy? And Penelope Cruz dials it up to 11, AND PeeWee's a main supporting character? And they're all rocking the most epic 70's fashions? That is a classic film right there. It owes heavily to Goodfellas, but I think they give a nod to that by having Ray Liotta as Jung's dad. Maybe I'm wrong in thinking it's kind of an underrated movie. Or maybe I'm just a huge sucker for a good biopic that has some kickass montages and doesn't fall into the "put you to sleep in the third act" trap.

rl, food, fashion, politics, movies

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