the same ups and downs as any other

Sep 03, 2008 19:08

I try to be open-minded, but it seems to me that so far the RNC isn't doing anything but harping on the same old tired partisan blah blah. "Democrats want to raise your taxes and kill your babies" "People want less government, not more!" "Only Republicans can respect service to this country!". Meanwhile they studiously avoid any mention of the huge issues of the last eight years. Whatevs, I guess all that really matters is Palin's speech, which actually has a freaking countdown clock on MSNBC right now.

As has probably been obvious, most of my TV watching for the last couple of weeks has been devoted to the convention coverage. A tech from Time Warner came by today to look into some of the problems we've been having, and I was terrified he was just going to replace the DVR box to shut us up like in the past, and I would lose my beautful, beautiful backlog. But he didn't! Even still, I thought it would be interesting to record what I've got piled up.

In alpha order:

A Fistful of Dollars...One from the "embarrassed to have never seen it" file, I scheduled it to record when I saw that it was playing on AMC.

California's Golden Parks: 2 episodes...Huell!!! I actually think Golden Parks is a little...dry? Compared to California's Gold, but Huell is always the man. These episodes are "Bidwell Park in Chico" and "Fern Canyon".

Colbert Report: 5 episodes
Daily Show with Jon Stewart: 5 episodes......I've been watching MSNBC every night so I've struggling to catch up on my CR and Daily Show. TDS coverage from Denver has been awesome though.

Escape From New York...Another AMC selection.

Hellboy...Recorded it since I thought I'd watch it and go see Hellboy 2 after. Didn't happen.

How Not to Become Shark Bait...Shark Week leftovers.

Kenny vs. Spenny: First Guy to Get a Boner Loses...My cousins threw this episode on Monday while all the kids were running around, which led to a hilarious reaction from my mom.

Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Frame...This was the season 7 finale from Sunday night. It was super good, as was the episode before which was Chris Noth's farewell episode. Next season Jeff Goldblum is joining the cast. Should be interesting.

Locked Up Abroad: 7 episodes...I do enjoy this show, but I've let it pile up. I get annoyed with the episodes that deal with idiots who deserved what they got, but the ones with innocent people being taken captive are cuh-razy.

LOST: 8 episodes

Man vs. Wild: 3 episodes

Mythbusters: Shark Special 2

Reality Bites Back: 2 episodes

Reaper: 4 episodes

Republican National Convention: 8/3's MSNBC coverage, 3 hours so far

Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee: 2 episodes (By the way, doesn't Cindy McCain bear a striking resemblance to old Sandy Lee?)

The Exorcist...I think I'm too scared to watch this, since I suddenly don't feel the need to see the movie again now that it's actually been recorded.

The Office: Goodbye, Toby...Had to do a bit of a culling of these as the last few weeks have gone by. New season finally starts this month, so it's okay.

The Soup: 3 episodes...I REALLY need to get to another taping, it's been over a year IIRC. And they have guests stars every week now! I could have seen Keith Olbermann or Simon Pegg!

VH1 Rock Honors: The Who

Vampyros Lesbos...Another random recorded movie, this time from Sundance Channel. A horror movie from 1970, about "a woman's dreams of Vampirism come true", how could I resist? Stars no one.

Wide Angle...KCET profile of four Chinese prep school students.

tv, politics

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