veering away from relatability again

Aug 16, 2008 19:46

Felt like doing this six fandoms meme. The questions are geared toward television shows specifically but I think I was able to make it work with a couple of movies included.

My fandoms:
1. LOST 2. The Office 3. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 4. Harry Potter 5. Sin City
6. Arrested Development

Who is your favourite character from #6? (Arrested Development)
After about five seconds debate, I ended up with George Michael as the definitive answer. I have always identified with Michael and his self-appointed sainthood, and I've got a little bit of Maeby in me too, but GM is the beacon of incorruptible goodness in a world of slightly evil insane people.

Who is your least favourite character from #4? (Harry Potter)
Umbridge was the first one to pop into mind. It's a love to hate kind of thing, for sure, because she's just gleefully evil. I suppose Voldemort and Bellatrix mustn't go without mention.

What would a crossover between #1 and #5 include? (LOST/Sin City)
Oh man, this would be amazing! Let's see, I'd say we'd see the Losties and the Old Town girls teaming up to take on the gangs, the Roarks, Oceanic, Dharma and Ben. We'd have a Godfather-esque montage of assassinations, with Sun and Gail rolling up on fools pulling sawed-offs out from trench coats, while Sawyer and Jack and Dwight are, like, delivering incriminating documents in slow motion...can you imagine running into Sayid and Miho in a dark alley???

Who is your favourite ship from #1? (LOST)
Uh...not going to be able to pick just one here! I guess when we're talking about canon, I'm most invested in the Jack/Kate/Sawyer triangle (I know angst can be tiresome, but I think it works. I honestly can't say whether Jack/Kate or Kate/Sawyer is what I want to see in the end!) and Sun/Jin. I also love Charlie/Claire.

As far as non-canon/less important ships...we'll save that for another long postponed meme post, since it's a long list ;)

If you were to set one person from #3 and one person from #6 on a blind date, who would they be? (IASiP/Arrested Development)
Considering everybody on Sunny is evil evil compared to the fun evil that most of the Arrested folks are, I wouldn't want to subject them on each other too much...but I think that Tobias would have a great time with the preop-but-hot chick that Mac was booty calling with.

If you could meet one person from #4 and spend the day with them, who would it be, and what would you do? (Harry Potter)
Tough choice! I love Snape but he'd probably be a pill to spend the day with. I feel like Harry should be the go-to answer, but I think I'd go for Ginny because she kicks ass and we could go shopping in Diagon Alley all day and talk about wizard gossip.

If you could change one thing about #2's plotline, what would you change? (The Office)
Easy answer, since there's not much I would ever change about it, but I have a thing for Michael/Jan so I would change the way things have played out with them.

Explain a relationship between two people (not necessarily romantic) from fandom #5, and why you like the relationship between them. (Sin City)
Like LOST, Sin City gives you one of those rare great love triangles where you genuinely can't decide which one is the one (Dwight/Shellie and Dwight/Gail), but one of the relationships I really love is the one between Dwight and Miho. They set each other up for the best snarkiness, and there's a great moment in A Dame to Kill For where he reveals that he once saved her from a bunch of Tong gangsters that had the drop on her...super cool.

If the lead characters from #1 and #3 were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would it be? (LOST/IASiP)
Thankfully the other option on this question is It's Always Sunny. I'd save Jack, Kate, Sawyer or Sayid over Dennis, Mac, Dee or Frank any day.

If you were able to add a new character, any kind of character you wanted, to the storyline for #6, what would the character be like and what would their role be? (Arrested Development)
It wouldn't make for interesting TV, but I always wanted Michael to meet a nice, sane lady. Sally Sitwell was close but she was the only love interest of his that I wasn't fond of.

What happens in your favourite episode of show #2? (The Office)
I can't decide if my favorite episode is The Injury, Drug Testing or Casino Night. I guess "Michael cooks his foot on a Foreman grill" is hard to top.

If you could kill off one of the characters of #1, who would it be and how would you do it? (LOST)
Benjamin "Henry Gale" Linus, slowly. I think Sayid would bring some good ideas to the table.

If you got the chance to visit the set for either show #3 or show #5, which would you choose? (IASiP/Sin City)
Sunny would be cool, but Robert Rodriguez, Clive Owen, Rosario Dawson, Quentin Tarentino, Frank Miller, Mickey Roarke? No contest.

So, I saved the best question for last. If you could date anyone from any of these fandoms, which fandom and which person?
I will chose Dwight McCarthy from Sin City, just because Sawyer comes with a lot of baggage. It's really a coin toss though.

tv, memes, lost, movies, harry potter

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