"I don't love you either, but I think I could like having you around."

Jul 17, 2008 21:45

Holy crap. I was all vaguely ashamed of the fact that I was totally sold by the trailer for the new Shia LaBeouf movie, because, you know. But I just watched an even longer trailer and found out it's costarring Michelle Monaghan, who I loved in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, AND Rosario is in it and at that point I was like, whatever, now I'm really sold, let's see who directed this thing, maybe who wrote it. The writer's don't have a lot to their credit that I know, but the director did The Salton Sea, which is one of the most criminally overlooked movies of let's say the decade (along with KKBB for that matter). If you've never seen either, you should seriously hit up the Netflix or whatever it is you gotta do at your next chance.

While I'm on movies, can I just bitch about Mamma Mia for a second? It's not that I'm against musicals or anything, or even ABBA. I have a weakness for terrible pop music and there's no shame in my game about it. But it just feels like they're cramming this thing down our throats and I want it to go away. Maybe I'm just hating because I'm thinking Muriel's Wedding already did the ABBA music movie game years ago and probably better. Even the posters aren't all that different! What a rip.

Holy fuck! I had to up the ante with a curse, because I only just this second realized that Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Salton Sea both star Val Kilmer, an actor I didn't even like until he won me over in part with those particular roles. Wow. It's all about the crazy connections. And Batman!

music, directors, celebrities, movies

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