hola hombres. 3 weeks till take off.
my official kansas blog is
http://squeb.blogspot.com so thats where i will be writing all what im doing. iv given my parents/family the address so tame down your thoughts before leaving comments, but please leave millions of comments :). just now its pretty empty (obv) and just ignore it if i post random/non related pics cos im just practising jus now. might still post on here if i have dirty things to say :o
i am having a leaving bonanzaa on the 30th of july, does anyone know a place that you can rent for free if you invite an achieveable amount of people ? if not it will have to be in a pub full of other folk booo ! not really sure/ dont really mind just as long as i see people and get hugs :)
its so hot outside i began to melt in the shade so i have retreated inside.
www.postsecret.blogspot.com is beautiful i love everything about it and check it all the time. sometimes i write whole entries then delete them just so i know how the words look when they arent just stcuk in the confinement of my skull....i wish i lived my life like i drunk dance then i would be happy and confident and honest.
i see the year like a big oblong (posted a pick in my comments cos it wont work any other way)
Through many drunk conversations i has discoverd most folk dont, but i dont know how i would function without it. As i move round the year the old june is replaced by next june and so fourth. and when im trying to work out when i left school or what year a song was realeased i trace the oblong out with my finger on the desk infront of me, circling back til i get to the right year. i see it kind of like a road, not too dissimilar to that on mariokarts rainbow road track. maybe im the rainman. just now the red line marked kansas stirs fear in the pit of my stomach but the time after it is filled with hope and fun and everything else i want this year to be. i think its just the initial change which scares me. but il get over it. and stop whinging.