Apr 06, 2006 14:09
in no particular order:
football fans taking about the football team they support like "WE bet arsenol so now WE are going to get loads of offers for sponsoship" your not in the fucking team...deal with it.
folk that follow fashion...even if that means wearing gold shoes, furry waistcoats and all sorts of other weirdities
the huge effect my sexuality has on my social life.
when someone sits/lives next to you and you can hear there music over your own.
losing touch with friends when its so easy to pick up a phone
tshirts that say things like "if you read this your too close"
people walking slow but taking up the whole pavement
peepz dat tipe like dis.
the ignorance my parents have concerning debi and the validity of our relationship.
not being able to think of all the things that grind your gears as soon as you sit down to type them out.