Jun 16, 2005 14:10
booya cross dressing party is officially on thursday the 21st of july you are all invited but will only get in if sufficiently cross dressed ;) im tellin u over a month in advance so u get sexy outfits and can take days of work, hope yall can make it.
in other news... i am currently deaf in my left ear, but i had an ace nite so it was worth it. Debi got noised up by sum weird guy in habana but bar that all went well. Would of been more drunk if that scream burger wasnt the hugest thing consumed by man, and was able to absorb all my efforts of getting drunk. i mite try again tonite, although i really shood cut down on booze intake.
Jess an alice are on there way round to save tadpoles lives so i better go prepare for there arrival
later guys x