Cowering in Child's Pose

Oct 21, 2002 17:12

Saturday was my mom's 47th birthday, and we celebrated by driving out into the boonies and roasting hot dogs and marshmallows over a small fire. "We" included my parents, Leon, and my grandparents. My sister Sara appeared a couple of times with her boyfriend (who, curiously, was out camping in the area), but she wasn't around for most of the event.

At one point, the women and Leon "hiked" a trail. 1.5 miles of hell. I, of course, hated it. I can't imagine anyone hiking for pleasure. Or doing anything remotely physical, for that matter. Approximately thirty seconds into the first steep hill, I began to fantasize about myself in some sloth-like bliss, never running or Tae Bo-ing for the rest of my days. Oh, heaven.

You see, Leon and I started jogging together earlier this year. We'd go over to a park near the apartment and spend a respectable 30-45 minutes turning my face bright red. And then I'd spend another fifteen trying to make it up the stairs to our third floor apartment. I hated it. Lucky for me, I started having this sharp pain in my right upper arm whenever I'd start to jog, so I convinced Leon that I wanted a doctor to look at it before I caused myself any more muscular damange. It worked like a charm.

The last couple of years, my exercise routine has been restricted to walking everywhere and weekly yoga, which, for me, can be rather strenuous. I still find that the entire experience can be made immensely more pleasurable if it's spent in child's pose instead of doing those damn sun salutations (up, down, up, down). But at least yoga was better than going to kickboxing with Caroline and Kirsten, which I tried once, and (you guessed it) I hated it.

I wish I could be like Leon and maintain a healthy body weight, have lots of energy, and be able to eat whatever I want without having to work for it. He's so damn lucky. Every time during our short jogging stint that we would pass by (or be passed by) a sleek runner in the park, I would be so jealous. It doesn't look like work. Wouldn't it be nice to break out running and not be panting halfway down the block? I'd never survive in a horror movie.

Yes, I wish I could hike for pleasure or run with a smile, but that'll never be me. I enjoy comfort too much to be an athlete.

family, health, leon, weight loss

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