Nothing more than an update

Sep 26, 2008 14:50

Yesterday, I received the sweetest email from my friend Amy, regarding her daughter Emmy. Here's a snippet:

I will put her in her apple dress when you come and you can take a million photos of her. I feel like wall papering the walls with her picture, I could look at her all day. I have wanted children since I was 17 and when I was 30 and unmarried I thought I never would. I'm so happy with her even when she cries like a manic!

I'm so happy for her; that is wonderful.

I'm a bit under the weather at the moment with either a cold or a sinus infection. If it persists for a few more days, I'll assume it's the latter and possibly go to the doctor to get an antibiotic. But if it's just a cold, I'm sure it'll resolve itself. I'm already on Phase 2, which is the addition of a stuffy nose to Phase 1's sore throat.

I'm going to Vienna this weekend, despite the illness. I'm heading out early tomorrow and will come back Monday night, because I have a three-day weekend. I'll be staying with Chris, who is taking off work on Monday, because he's accepted a new job offer and has six vacation days to kill before the end of October. He's asked me to take off a week with him some time in October to travel between Austria and the Czech Republic, visiting his parents for a couple of days, among other things. I'll see how this weekend goes before I commit so much of my vacation time, though.

relationship, chris, e-mail, children, sick, travel

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