Over the past couple of months, my knowledge of world affairs has greatly increased while I am pretty out of touch with the happenings in the United States. This is not (entirely) because I am living abroad; rather, I have been working for a newspaper syndicate, which distributes op-ed columns internationally. Thus, our focus is quite international and my work here has broadened my understanding of the world.
(Geez, can you tell I'm at work? I'm writing like a form letter.)
Nevertheless, I have opportunities to look at American newspapers. Today, I glanced at the New York Sun and it seems that Hillary Clinton's clerkship at a law firm in 1971 has created a stir. (You're probably all thinking, "Duh, Kate! Where have you been?" The answer: In Europe without internet access!)
Anyway, I guess everyone is running around, all, "Oh Noes! Hillary's got communist ties! She's a commie!"
And while
this article definitely plays to that, it also asserts that she clearly wasn't friends with these so-called communists. And, really, I've never read an article that made me like her so much, which is why I'm posting.
My favorite part of the article was the excerpt from a letter in which she responded to Jessica Mitford's joke about her daughter's name. Hillary writes, "Chelsea Victoria looks distressingly like Winston Churchill which at least diverts inquiries as to why we named her after the London Subway."
I don't know; I guess you may have to read the article. But it definitely makes me want to read more of Hillary's personal writings and it makes me think she is a lot wittier and likable than I previously thought.