than watch a reality show or two...
Should I watch
Grease: You're the One that I Want? Premiering Sunday (Jan 7), this Amerian Idol ripoff will cast the leads for the new Production of Grease on Broadway. I'm sure if I watch it, I'll be sucked in by the black hole of the spectacle of it all.
I mean I love the movie. Who doesn't love the movie? But...argh! I can't even put into words the conflicted emotions I feel about the concept for this show. I hate reality tv because it's FAR from reality. The shows purposefully contrive situations to make "good tv." That means it's NOT reality tv.
I will say that I did enjoy
Who wants to be a Superhero? exactly because the producers made up ridiculous challenges and tests. But that was the whole POINT of the show. Thus proving my rule by exception.
Ok, rather safe than sorry. I will NOT watch the show for fear it will taint my image of my beloved Grease. Besides if these people are any good, they WILL go on to have careers...real careers.
Like Jennifer Hudson (American Idol winner) who caught the Effie role in Dreamgirls. Her performance was incredible. And the movie was amazing. I cried so hard during "I Am Telling You I'm Not Going," the man sitting next to me passed me some tissue. Eddie Murphy's comeback.
Ok, this was a very disjointed post. I must be tired. I'm going home.