i don't miss it all that much

Feb 04, 2007 22:21

so last sunday my computer thought it would be an awesome idea to turn everything on the screen black/dark colors red. freakin brilliant. i had many a nerd assess it for me and general consensus said that my computer decided to speak swahili and black means red and red means cupcakes so its doneski for now. i went home on friday and announced to my dad that my laptop shit the bed and he said oh, there's another one in the bedroom (WTF!?) so i said woot! but this lap top was "borrowed" from his workplace and it has all these controls on it so i can't download or install any programs on it, which may or may not be a good thing because AIM is MIA (interesting) so basically i can type papers and go on facebook and livejournal. so if you want to talk to me you have to call me (what a novel idea)

the first half of the week was probably the worst few days of my life for multiple reasons, the laptop not included. and i'm still really depressed about what happened monday and i wish i could punch several people in the gonads and tell them fuck you because monday was NOT cool. not at all.  some parts were good, someone keeps sending me really nice texts saying that they want to see me & i like that.

work was cool, the nurse i shadowed on saturday was so nice and we talked about getting drunk and blue moon.  so i hope i get to work with her again. i got to empty out ng suction canisters, t tubes, jp drains, hang ivs, etc.

after work i went out to on the border with friends from home and that was a good time. afterwards we went back to jon & barbara's house and we had girl talk time and it was really nice. we talked about assholes and a lot of other stuff and decided that when we hung out as a couple (her & jon, the asshole & i) we wanted to hang out with each other outside of boys and that was nice.

oh jaimee, i keep coming home and working but i do want to see you at some point. that'd be nice.

i wish there was more time to do nothing and drive, because i like to drive. i don't know if i'm driving away from something/someone or driving to someone/something. but i think i'm driving away because its time to fucking move on and quit playing games with myself & someone else because i think its just hurting us both.
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