Title: Bang (Whimper)
Characters: Juliet, Jack, mentions of Kate and Sawyer.
Pairing: Juliet/Jack
Rating: R/NC-17 (It's for
Smutfest 2010 so yes, there's sex)
Spoilers: Season 5 finale, Season 6 (in a sort of AU way)
A/N: So I read a request by
knopflergroupie in the aforementioned Smutfest post requesting a S5 "Juliet cheats on Sawyer for Jack" fic, and the
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That was simply amazing. So much love for this fic!
He decides at once that, yes, this is exactly how Juliet would choose to end the world if it was up to her: to sneak away and do it quietly, to disguise the bang behind a whimper
Complete, totally 100% the way Juliet would end the world
He remembers suddenly why he was drawn to her from the beginning, even when she had him chained to the wall: she’s like him, but better, stronger, steadier
YES. I couldn’t agree more with this!
He sweats and shakes, and thinks, Isn’t this the reaction he should have had before he pushed the button? But Juliet has always been more complicated than simple decisions about ending the world
I loved this. Juliet being more complicated than simple decisions about ending the world is wonderful.
her tongue is slipping into his mouth, sliding against his (that’s the part that is new)
I like the way this is a little nod to their first two kisses.
“Juliet, what about-” but can’t bring himself to say the name aloud.
“I’ve already gone behind his back with you to blow up the island,” she says, pausing to tug his shirt over his head, “Do you really think this is going to make much of a difference?”
No, it wouldn’t. Juliet such a realist. :)
He also does it because he knows that if he pushed inside her now, he probably wouldn’t last long enough to make her come.
There is something (so hot) but also so raw about this that I love.
As soon as he begins to move faster, sees it-At first, it’s just a warm impression, like they’re soaking in sunshine, and at the beginning he thinks that it’s just the way Juliet feels, the warmth of her skin against his
AMAZING. The description and how the two moments would/are intertwine(d).
Then, there’s a flash, and they’re not in a house anymore, but in the hospital, and Juliet is resting against the pillows, looking pale and sick, her eyes closed, and he’s terrified until he looks down into his own arms and realizes that she’s only sleeping, because he is holding David-and all of them are safe.
Aww for baby David :) I love any little glimpse of the Shephard family I can get.
The timer goes off, and he waits for their new life to begin.
Thanks so much!
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