Title: Following (Part Twelve)
Characters: Juliet, Jack, Charlotte, Daniel, Hurley, Bernard & Rose (so far)
Pairing: Juliet/Jack, hints of Charlotte/Daniel
Rating: R
Spoilers: Season 4, Season 5 (sort of)
A/N: Expositiony goodness. There will be some action fairly soon, I promise!
“Say the island is like a giant soap bubble,” Daniel began, leaning forward, forming a circle with his fingers, as if they needed help visualizing it. )
Comments 2
“The island is moving through time.” Yes! I loved this. Cut through the bull get to the crazy part that no one is suppose to believe.
“Yeah,” Daniel smiled, turning to Charlotte in subtle triumph for a moment. haha Daniel :) I really liked this.
I’m smirking openly like Charlotte at Jack’s statement. And, I liked how Daniel was still all business. Very in character of him.
“that a flash could happen so quickly that our senses wouldn’t be able to perceive it. And if that was the case-then what you saw in the photo-could have already happened.”
“And we just didn’t notice it,” Juliet finished to herself, looking unnerved.
“in which case, uh-as they say-all bets are off.”
This makes me excited to see where you’re going with this.
Fantastic update as always :)
There will be a few more talky scenes, but you can expect a lot of plot coming up. I am planning to try to make sense of a part of Jack's backstory on the show (in a very AU way). I am super excited about one scene in particular, but it's unfortunately going to take a while to get there!
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