Title: Following (Part Ten)
Characters: Juliet, Jack, Charlotte, Daniel, Hurley, Bernard & Rose (so far)
Pairing: Juliet/Jack, hints of Charlotte/Daniel
Rating: R/NC-17 (This part is all about the sex and the language: don’t say I didn’t warn you!)
Spoilers: Season 4
A/N: Work is a total beast this month, and I have to vent somehow-or that’s my
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Part 8
moving to catch her hand and waiting until she paused to look up at him before he continued. When their eyes met, he squeezed her palm softly. “I’m sorry.”
I completely felt his sincerity in that moment. Aww Jack. Truly redeemed himself!
Then Juliet going straight to work is so in character of her. I really liked that.
And, I think the way you worked in Tunisia is brilliant!
Part 9
“There’s something else you haven’t told us?” Juliet asked incredulously, taking the words out of Jack’s mouth before he was able to open it.
That right there is what I love about Jack/Juliet. They’re both on the same wavelength and it just reminds me that they are a great team when they are working together.
Ahh Christian! :) I loved that part of the chapter! Jack wanting to protect Juliet (or ehem himself) from his father, and Juliet “I’m not nervous” Perfect.
Part 10
“I’m trying to prepare myself. Whatever Daniel’s planning to tell us can’t be as bad as this,”
I literally laughed when I read this. Then, I got nervous about what you have planned.
“Hold onto me, ok? Let me do most of the work.”
“Ok,” he agreed
Aww Juliet taking care of him. And Jack letting her :) Even if he was distracted.
his gaze traveling over her face, “it is pretty amazing.”
it was like trying to resist a flood: it could not stop what she’d said from overtaking him.
“Why’d you stop?” she gestured to his half-shaven face, casually running her hand down his back, “Are you trying to match your chest?”
Aww my Jacket shipping heart can barely take it. So sweet! (I’m limiting myself here because there were so many sweet and cute moments between them in this chapter).
When Juliet was telling him what the surgery was like for her, perfect description.
And, their banter was so great in this chapter.
You amaze me with Jacket as always!
I'm especially glad you liked the Christian part, and so glad that you "got" the "I'm not nervous" line (I didn't know if it was totally clear the way I wrote it). I actually wrote that scene a long time before and was having trouble finding a non-awkward place for it in the fic.
At the same time, I really wanted to use it because I love the idea of Juliet interacting with Christian, especially in Jack's mind, presenting a kind of alternative or challenge to Christian's psychological "conditioning" of Jack. And that "count to five" scene always gave me weird mixed feelings of love and hate. I always wanted somebody to "zing" Christian with a response like "I'm not nervous." Christian is such an arrogant b----d sometimes. :)
Anyway, thank you bunches!
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