Happy Valentine's day

Feb 14, 2008 01:17

Yeah, I know everyone is saying it. No matter what your plans are, I hope it's an enjoyable one for you.

I woke up this morning to a lovely note and chocolate from my husband. Very nice and made me smile. The best part was when I turned on the computer and saw this:

If that's not one of the coolest and cleverest gifts... he's very good at those. That picture kept me smiling all day. Even cooler is that he further customized the characters in Paint because he wasn't happy with how the looked after he got them off whatever site he found them on.
The rice field picture is one that I took of the field behind our apartment building last fall. I like the little Cerberus chasing the tractor. Heee...

Also, my mother in law sent these today. These were taken by the boyfriend of one of Maurice's cousins, somewhere up in Alasaka. I think he's a professional photographer and was up there for some assignment.

I think this bear has seen better days...


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