I Become A Photographer

Oct 27, 2008 11:18

My favourite and most visited daydream (and by daydream I mean fantasy in which I indulge on buses, walking home from school, and at various other times), is that my eyes are actually tiny cameras and that each time I blink, a photo of exactly what I see at any given moment is captured and recorded somewhere in my head. It's a lot of fun, and I can spend a great deal of time lining up an appropriate shot. Sometimes I get weird looks for moving around so much on the Skytrain, but really, it doesn't matter. I have an infinite amount of film.


I started eating the welfare lunches provided by my elementary school because the peanut butter and jam sandwiches my Mom used to make were always vaguely dry and crumbly by the time twelve o clock came around. I stood in the short line behind Tamikah, who never drank her milk and ate alone on the steps outside the school, hunched in a purple raincoat covered in flowers when it was cloudy. If I was feeling thirsty or bored, I went out and sat beside her while we chewed thoughtfully away at our lunches - burritos on Thursday. I enthusiastically attacked her untouched milk cartons, and she told me about her aspirations to one day be a fashion designer. She showed me little pictures and scraps of fabric from curtains and couch cushions. At the time, she was designing for dolls and stuffed animals; the gown she made for her beanie hedgehog was really quite remarkable.



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